1.8 Obviously, I'm Not Stupid

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Lily played with her necklace as she sat on the couch. Everyone was waiting for their turn to talk to Black Canary, who volunteered to be their therapist after the failed training mission.

She didn't want to talk, but she understood why they had to. She just wished that she could forget about the entire thing so she could stop replaying it through her mind.

She watched Conner storm out of the room and leave. She slowly got up and entered the room. She sat down in the green chair that was facing Dinah.

"So Lily, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm fine," the lie slipped out of her instantly. She didn't come in to lie, but the second she sat down she wanted to leave. It reminded her of the therapist she had to go to after her parents died. "Honestly."

Then she gave Lily a look telling her she didn't believe the lie. Lily didn't think she would, but she thought she would try it.

"Lily, this is a safe place." Lily glanced up at the camera that was aimed at the two. "There's no sound, I promise you. Anything you say will not leave this room."

"Okay." She sighed, not sure how to start. "It was weird I guess. I watched everyone die and it felt so...real. Like, it was fake, but we thought it was real, and I just...I couldn't believe that everyone was dead. I guess I forgot that that's probably how it's going to go. Dying to save the world."

"You don't want that?"

Lily sat in silence, thinking. "Is it bad if I say no?"

Dinah smiled. "Not at all. You're fourteen, Lily. No one expects you to sacrifice yourself to stop the world from ending yet. That training mission was supposed to prepare you guys for the worst of the worst."

"I just, I always thought that I did. The whole heroic death. I'm just not ready yet."

"Of course, you aren't. No one really is. You have your whole life ahead of you, you don't have to worry about that."

They talked for a while longer before Lily was allowed to leave. She walked out past everyone else and decided to go home, not really wanting to be at the Cave anymore.

When she got home she decided to call Roy. She hadn't talked to him in a while since he had decided to leave Oliver and go his own way.



It was weird, she actually didn't know what to say to him.

"Why are you calling?"

"What, I can't just call you randomly?"

"Last time you called me you asked me to cover for you for Oliver." She laughed.

"Sorry about that."

"Why did you need to lie to him."

"Oh right, you don't know. Oliver lied about who my parents really were."

There was a pause on the other line.

"Lily, you knew you were adopted, right?"

"Obviously, I'm not stupid. He didn't tell me that my father was Ra's al Ghul."

"You're kidding." Roy laughed.


"That's crazy. What were you calling about this time?"

"We had a training mission where Manhunter linked our brains and we had to fight aliens, but then it went wrong and we actually thought everyone was dying so that sucked. And now we had to go to therapy with Dinah so that also sucked."

"Damn, glad I wasn't there."

"Yeah that's why I called, I just realized that if it was actually real I haven't talked to you in forever, and I didn't want to die like that."

"You planning on dying soon?"

Lily laughed. "No, but you never really know when with this work, you know? So we're going to call each other or see each other at least once a week, okay?'

"Okay, Lily, whatever you say." Roy's voice was amused, but she knew he would do it.

"Okay, we'll I'm going to go. Love you," she smirked as she said the words.

"Love you too." She heard the sigh on the other end before she hung up.

Published: 11/04/22

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