2.2 Yeah, Cause We Were Dying. I'm Mad About It Again

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"The Justice League was formed for two reasons. First, as an acknowledgement that no single individual, no matter how powerful, can solve the world's problems alone." They watched the live feed from inside the Hall of Justice, joined by the newest member of their team, Rocket. Lily thought she was pretty cool. "And second, to uphold the values of truth, liberty, and justice. That last one's even in the name." Superman's joke got a couple of laughs from the audience, but inside the team remained silent.

"These five heroes have sworn to uphold these values." The screen changed the point of view to show the row of new Justice League members.

"You are watching live coverage of the Justice League's induction of its five newest members. Looks like the entire League showed up to welcome the new blood. Everyone from Batman to Captain Marvel," Cat Grant reported.

And of course, they were forced to stay inside while everyone else got to celebrate outside.

"I'm glad they didn't kick Billy out," Wally commented before taking an obnoxiously loud bite of his apple. "And I love the fact that there's a ten-year-old in the League." Lily nodded, agreeing with him. 

"There is?" Rocket said. Lily forgot that she didn't know all the secrets yet.

Robin elbowed Wally in the stomach, prompting the speedster to complain. "Way to keep a secret, genius," Robin said.

"Hey, she's on the Team now, right?"

"Superman is now handing out official League membership cards, starting with Doctor Fate." Lily glanced over at Zatanna when Cat Grant said that, knowing she was still blaming herself for it. "The Atom, Plastic Man, and Icon."

"You know, I was the one who convinced Icon to become a hero in the first pale. I should be outside celebrating with him, not hidden away in here," Rocket complained.

"Welcome to our world," Aqualad told her. 

"Well, I suppose there's an upside too."

Lily turned her attention back to the screen as Cat Grant continued speaking. "Finally, Green Arrow welcomed his former protégé, Speedy, now known as Red Arrow to this roster of heroes." 

Lily smirked, having forgotten about his time as Speedy. She'd make sure to make fun of him about the old suit next time they talked.

"Way to go, Roy!"

"At last, he has his wish."

"The first of us to make it, no one will call him a sidekick anymore."

"Wait, since when was being a sidekick a bad thing? You sidekicks were my inspiration," Rocket told them.

"Well see, six months ago it-" Robin stopped himself from explaining their story when his wristwatch beeped. Lily leaned over his shoulder to see what was going on.


"Are you sure it's her?" Artemis stumbled over her words after Robin explained what was going on. "I mean, are you absolutely positive?"

"See for yourself. This is the security footage from the Ashfield Regional Airport." The video paused and zoomed in on Jade Nguyen's face. "Facial recognition confirms that's Jade Nguyen, but you've seen her without her mask, what do you think?"

Lily narrowed her eyes. She knew he could be referring to the mission they went on long ago, but part of her knew that he had figured out Artemis' story. She wasn't too surprised.

"It's Jade. Cheshire," Artemis said quietly.

"Agreed, but focus on what she carries." Lily looked down at the briefcase in her hand. "Is that the case you saw in New Orleans? The one that got away?"

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