1.0 I'm Going to Kill Wally West

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Shadow entered the cave to see the team was already there. Kaldur and Superboy were sparring and M'gann and Artemis were talking to each other on the sidelines. Lily decided to join them, which she shortly realized was a terrible idea, but at that point, it was too late to leave.

The two girls were talking about boys. Lily hated that topic and regretted even coming to the cave today.

"But you know who would make the cutest couple? You and Wally!" Lily only caught the ending of M'gann's sentence. She assumed that this was still about Superboy. "You're so full of passion and he's so full of, uh.." M'gann struggled to find a reason.

"It?" Artemis finished it for her. Lily saw the uncomfortable look on her face and knew Artemis was going to try and change the subject. Lily needed to get out of there before she could.

While she was walking away to stand next to Wally and Robin Red Tornado entered the room via a hole in the ceiling.

"Do you have a mission for us?" Wally asked, too excited to even greet him.

"Missions are the Batman's responsibility." That seemed to be the only thing that Red Tornado ever said to them.

"Yeah, well the Batman is with the Robin doing the 'Dynamic Duo' thing in Gotham," Wally said, mimicking Red Tornado's speech pattern. "But, you're heading somewhere, right? Hot date – or a mission?" He said in a terrible accent.

"If we can be of help," Aqualad said.

Red Tornado turned on the holoscreens and brought up a picture of a man. The man was clearly old, holding a cane in one hand and grey hair.

"This is Kent Nelson, a friend. He is 106 years old."

"Guy doesn't look a day over 90." Lily overheard Wally say to Artemis.

"He's been missing for twenty-three days. Kent was a charter member of the Justice Society." Red Tornado changed the picture to a picture of Doctor Fate.

"Of course, Nelson was Earth's Superior Supreme. He was Doctor Fate."

"Pfft," Wally whispered again. "More like Doctor Fate, guy knows a little advanced science and Dumbledore's it up to scare the bad guys and impress the babes."

"He's like the great sorcerer-priests and priestesses of Mars; I would be honoured to help find him," M'gann said. Lily wasn't surprised when Wally's hand shot up instantly.

"Me too. So honoured, I can barely stand it. Magic rocks."

Lily had thought that Wally would have been over his little crush by now, but apparently, she was wrong.

"Take this, it's the key to the Tower of Fate." Red Tornado handed Aqualad a key.

"So Wally," Artemis spoke up once the Team was on the Bioship. "When did you realize your honest affinity for sorcery?"

"Oh yes, please share. I'm dying to know your answer." Lily said, watching Wally squirm trying to figure out what to say.

"Well, I don't like to brag, but uh, before I became Kid Flash I seriously considered becoming a wizard myself."

Lily had to look away to hide the quiet laughter. How was that the only explanation he could think of?

"We've reached Tornado's coordinates, but-"

"Nothing's here." Superboy was right, the field was completely empty, with no Tower of Fate to be seen. They got out of the Bioship to look around. All Shadow found was a cat running into the theatre.

Wally ran around the field to check it out but came back without anything. "This isn't simple camouflage."

"What do you think, adaptive micro-optoelectronics combined with phase shifting?" Artemis smirked. Wally was going to agree with her until M'gann walked by.

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