The Hangover

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The fierce heat that swept over Quinn's body convinced her she was on the verge of spontaneous combustion. Between her full body sweats, pounding head, and severe nausea, she welcomed the destruction as a means to her agony's end.

She wrestled away her comforter and thrashed about, casting her clothes to the floor in a last-ditch effort for air. Quinn flipped her pillow to the cool side and flopped onto it with a grimace. As the ceiling spun on an endless loop, her eyes shut tight to tame the vomit churning in her belly. By the time she convinced herself to pry them open, it wasn't the gyrating room that demanded her attention but the shadow figure that scattered across her curtains.

With her bedside table's assistance, she hoisted herself to her feet, grabbing her robe on her journey to the window. She bit the bullet by letting the morning sun eradicate the darkness and sear her retinas in one swoop. Quinn was mid-wince when her gaze fell on a pair of green eyes full of more life than the sun.

Charlie wore an apologetic smile. "Did I wake you?"

Only then did Quinn recall last night's events. The blaring music and sub-par party snacks came to mind, but none more than the endless alcohol. The recollection worked in unison to overwhelm each of her senses. She needed no longer wonder where her balance went—she must've left it back at the party.

Quinn's eyes flickered to her bedroom door. Upon sensing no activity on the other side, she lifted the window wide enough for Charlie to climb through.

He shook his head and minded his voice. "I can't come in."

"You came over at the crack of dawn just to not come inside?" She peeked at the driveway where Paloma and Ava's cars sat idly side-by-side. "Hurry before they catch you."

Charlie wasn't sure how long his makeshift step stool composed of some soggy boxes he spotted on the Sullivan's curb could support his weight, so he accepted the invitation.

Quinn took the opportunity to draw her robe closer and tousle her hair into some semblance of order. She snatched a perfume bottle from her dresser and doused herself from head to toe. Her tongue lapped at her teeth, and she all but gagged at the sour taste. So, she squeezed her eyes shut tight and spritzed the fragrance into her mouth, which was just as revolting as anticipated.

After catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she could only pray she smelled better than she looked. Banishing the bottle to her closet, she faced Charlie, who'd finally made it inside.

"What are you doing here?"

Charlie slid the strap of his book bag down his shoulder and fished out a single item.

Quinn quirked her brow and took the box from him. "Crackers?"

"Extra, extra salt. Your favorite." Without warning, his cocky smirk died hard and fast as he belted a nervous laugh. "Right?"

Quinn ran her digits along the package, then studied Charlie with a gentle smile. "You remembered."

"Only 'cuz it's too gross to forget."

The girl snickered at the softness hidden behind his dramatic eye roll. "Hey, nothing else can kill me if high cholesterol does me in first. I prefer to know what's coming."

"The plan was to slip it in through your window and pray your sister didn't find out."

"You're a brave one. She's known for maiming her victims."

Charlie's grin was a staggering cross between flirtatious and meek. "Still worth it."

In theory, Quinn should've felt insecure under his gaze, considering her messy demeanor resembled that of a strung-out addict as she stood before the closest thing she'd seen to a Calvin Klein model.

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