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Paloma squinted her eyes while they traveled across the plethora of food that covered the dinette table. She admired the fluffy eggs, golden brown pancakes, and strawberry topped French toast that rested on their own respective plates of white china.

Cream cheese covered the toasted whole grain bagels while the overabundance of sausage and bacon toppled over one another as if in competition for dominance. A large bowl of fruit, perhaps the only nutritional item in the house, added an alluring array of colors to the meal.

The intoxicating scent of syrup crept its way into the woman's nose and she couldn't help but smile in contentment. After hours of slaving over a hot stove, despite her original beliefs, her task was finally complete. She reached behind her back and untied the - now heavily stained - apron before lifting it over her head.

Her smile broadened once she heard the creek of the staircase. She tore her eyes away from the meal once she was certain that nothing more could be done to ensure its perfection. She clasped her hands together and waited patiently while her sister finally descended the steps.

Quinn drew her eyebrows in while she studied the brunette as well as the oversized grin plastered on her face.

"...Okay," she started slowly, "I don't know why you're looking at me like that but I just wanted to let you know I'm heading out."

Paloma's heart sank into the pit of her stomach and it wasn't until she eyed the girl carefully that she noticed the stack of books that was trapped beneath her arm and the dog leash she held in her hand.

"What? Where?"

Quinn shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just gonna take Siberia for a walk and drop these books off at the library." She quietly shushed the dog that whined and repeatedly scratched at the front door impatiently, her excitement getting the better of her.

"Seriously? You haven't been out of your room all day and the second you finally do you're leaving? Come on, I made your favorite: El Desayuno para la Cena."

The redhead chuckled, "What?"

Paloma scoffed and rolled her nut-brown eyes. "Breakfast for dinner. Don't you pay attention in Spanish class?"

"Nope." She steadied the books in her arms while reaching for the doorknob, however, before she could make an exit, her sister intervened, preventing her from going any further. Quinn groaned in frustration and looked up at the woman. "Paloma, I have to get these back before the library closes."

"Take them back tomorrow."

"They'll be late tomorrow," Quinn contended.

"Listen, kid, I slaved over a stove for two hours and made a feast large enough to feed a family of four for about three days. The bacon's crispy, the eggs are fluffy, and I hand-squeezed the orange juice for Christ's sake. Sit your ass down and eat," she commanded.

"I'm not hungry right now." The girl smiled sheepishly once Paloma expunged a frustrated sigh. "Sorry." She slipped past the brunette and pulled the door open, a grimace eased its way onto her face as she looked through the glass door. She could practically feel her sister glaring at her. She turned to face the woman and flashed a sincere smile. "I'll eat when I get back, I swear."

"The food will be cold by the time you get back."

"I'll heat it up." Quinn readjusted the books in her arms and shrugged her shoulders. "I gotta go."

Paloma gritted her teeth at the determination on her sister's face. She marched back into the kitchen and snatched her house keys off of the counter before returning to the girl's side. "Fine."

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