Things That Go Bump In the Night pt. 2

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Paloma shined the flashlight towards the person. She knitted her eyebrows together once Siberia's incessant barking transformed into affectionate kisses.

She frowned and let out an audible scoff, "Charlie?"

The boy in question opened his eyes. Once the barrel of the gun filled his view, he raised his hands in surrender, not fighting against the slobber Siberia continued to plant all over his face.

"Don't shoot!"

Paloma tsked. She turned the flashlight off then clicked the safety back on her gun before finally setting it down on the bedside table. Charlie readily accepted her help once she extended her hand.

The teenager smiled sheepishly as Paloma helped him to his feet. He ruffled his curly hair and brushed himself off. "Thanks."

"It's safe, Ava," Paloma called out, her eyes still fixed on Charlie.

The woman in question peeked into the bedroom, her expression filled with disbelief. "Charlie? What are you doing here?"

"We were just about to get to that." Paloma crossed her arms over her chest, her jaw tensed in the process. "Won't you kindly fill us in?"

Charlie nodded, his cheeks burned as Ava turned on the overhead light in attempts to get a better look at him.

"Right," he let out a strained chuckle. "I was, um..." He fixed his gaze on the floor. "I came to see Quinn."

"It's well past midnight," Ava retorted.

"Hence the reason he used the window instead of the front door," Paloma deadpanned. She faced the boy. "Is this something that happens often between you and my sister?"

"No!" Charlie mentally kicked himself. He knew his answer was much too swift and robotic for her to buy it.

"So...yes," Paloma contended. "Let's just say you sneaking in to see her, without Ava or I knowing, makes even an ounce of sense. Why come this way? Quinn's downstairs in the guest bedroom."

Charlie shrugged, his eyes still refusing to meet Paloma's. "That window was jammed. So, I thought I'd just come in this way then go downstairs. That didn't work out, obviously..."

He managed to get stuck in the window for almost a total of five minutes before finally breaking himself free. Of course, right after he got through, he ended up knocking over the flower pot that rested on the window seal, instantly shattering the plant holder. His attempts to clean his mess without alerting Paloma and Ava failed miserably.

It was nearly impossible to believe just a few short months ago he was able to slip through Quinn's bedroom window with such ease, but now that he started to build muscle, he found it increasingly difficult to fit into any remotely tight places. But, according to the way Quinn's eyes darkened every time he took his shirt off, there were some perks too.

"We thought someone was breaking in," the brunette revealed, her eyes still boring into Charlie. "You could've really gotten hurt. Between Siberia and I, you're lucky to be alive."

"I know. I didn't mean to wake you or scare you...I'm sorry."

Paloma glanced at Ava, a broad, counterfeit smile formed on her lips. "Could you go tell my sister her guest won't be arriving?"

Ava merely shrugged and signaled for Siberia to follow her.

Charlie winced once he and Paloma stood in silence. "...I really am sorry."

Paloma bit the inside of her cheek and nodded. She could see the remorse in the boy's eyes, besides, she had her fair share of late night 'guests' when she was her sister's age. Not that it was an excuse, nevertheless, she understood.

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