Beneath the Surface

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"So...dirty thirty." Quinn made her eyebrows dance as she looked up at the towering woman whose jet-black heels gave her a few extra inches, putting her at a little over six feet. "How does it feel?"

Ava couldn't resist rolling her eyes. Ever since the crack of dawn, the teenager made it her goal to make a big deal out of the fellow redhead's birthday. And although a few hours had passed since the trio conducted the celebration, the reminder annoyed Ava to no end because, in all honesty, she wasn't too keen on being the oldest individual in the house. Even so, Quinn elicited a chuckle from the woman because a large part of her thought the girl's enthusiasm was sweet.

"Weird," Ava admitted. She scanned the refrigerator's contents. Once she spotted a water bottle, she pulled it out and cracked the seal on the beverage. "I mean, I know most people get bent outta shape once they hit thirty but ever since I was a kid I decided I wasn't gonna be that person. But now that it's here," she laughed, "I can see why people get so worked up about it. And being in the presence of someone half my age definitely doesn't make me feel any better about the situation."

Quinn met Ava's pointed look with a cheeky smile.

"Well, if it's any consolation," Paloma chimed in, "I'm right behind you. In a little over a year, we can sulk together."

"I'd advise you not concern yourself with me but instead, enjoy your twenties, my child. It comes to an end far too soon."

Paloma simply chuckled at the woman's exaggerated narration.

"So, where are you guys going tonight?" the girl queried.

"We're meeting some friends at a club not too far from here," Ava beamed.

The woman had to admit, although the new milestone in her life felt a bit daunting, she'd be lying if she said she hadn't been looking forward to celebrating with Paloma and some of their closet friends at one of her all-time favorite locations—Tequila Mockingbird. The club was known state-wide for its exclusivity, nevertheless, Paloma had managed to secure a spot for a party of ten in honor of the mahogany-haired woman's special night.

Even though it was admittedly rather difficult landing a place in the elite club on a Saturday night, the brunette somehow made it happen and seeing the priceless look on her girlfriend's face once she relayed the news was all the reward she required.

Quinn lifted an eyebrow. "Work friends or friend friends?"

Ava chuckled, "Friend friends."

The girl smirked impressively. "I didn't know you guys even had friend friends."

"Of course we do," Paloma scoffed. "We need other adults to keep us sane. How do you think we can stand being around you all day?"

Ava joined the brunette in the light-hearted laughter while Quinn merely rolled her eyes.

"Between the plunging necklines and thigh-high dresses, it's obvious that you're both sporting your sluttiest attire. I presume you guys will be leaving soon, is that correct?" came the teenager's sharp query.

Ava couldn't prevent the boisterous laugh from escaping the depths of her throat. The girl's cynical nature never ceased to amaze her.

"Soon," the brunette assured. After a moment, her eyes narrowed. "Why? You eager to get us outta the house?"

Quinn shrugged her shoulders. "No, just wondering."

"Mhm," was Paloma's unconvinced response.

"Did you guys make a decision about that vacation thing next weekend?" Quinn looked back and forth between the women. "Are you going?"

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