Easy Like a Sunday Morning

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One hundred percent Egyptian cotton, fifteen-hundred thread count sheets.

That was the luxurious quality Paloma was certain she was basking in. The sheets that had somehow absorbed Ava's distinct scent after only one night of their presence.

The sheets that made it virtually impossible for Paloma to pry her eyes open, not even to catch a glimpse of the beautiful sunshine that poured in through the sliding door of the terrace.

She loosened her desperate clutch on the linens, her hand instinctively exploring the other side of the bed in search for Ava's sleeping form.

When her digits were met with a chilled emptiness, Paloma peeped her eyes open and grudgingly lifted her face from the pillow, wrapping the sheets around her unclothed body and making a point not to get up from the bed.

She didn't have to search for long once Ava soundlessly exited the bathroom. Not long after, her voice, soft enough to accompany the Robins in their morning melodies, coursed through the air.

"I was just about to wake you."

A heartfelt smile etched its way across Paloma's features upon seeing the woman sashay towards the queen-size bed, her silk robe clinging to her body once she drew it closer.

"Oh?" Paloma taunted.

"Yep, we gotta get dressed," Ava insisted. "We're already way behind schedule."

The brunette visibly sank, her expression immediately resembling that of a stubborn toddler. "Why are we running on a schedule during our vacation?"

"Because," Ava drawled out, "we have to make the most of our time here and in order for that to happen, there needs to be a schedule."

This coaxed a groan out of Paloma while Ava merely chuckled, "What were you hoping for?"

Paloma's frown deepened. After, she roughly flopped backward onto the bed, disregarding the quiet squeak of the mattress that the dramatic act produced, and spilling her dark hair onto the sheets. Her sigh and mindless stare at the ceiling served as further proof of her displeasure and obvious disappointment.

"I was hoping you'd wanna go for a repeat of last night," was her mumbled admission.

"As fun as that was, there are still some places I wanna go while we're here, things I wanna see. We only have today and some of tomorrow alone, if that."

The brunette instantly sat back up. "All of which I would much rather spend in this bed with you."

Ava couldn't shut down her grin as she succumbed to Paloma's gravitational pull, the gentle grip Paloma imposed on her wrist being just enough to briefly coax her back into the bed.

The moment Paloma's feather-like touch, with the lips to match, trailed their way across the delicate skin of her neck, Ava was instantly reminded of the previous night's events and just how much she favored the intimately private atmosphere the hotel provided.

Despite it taking every fiber of her being, Ava pried herself from the other woman and ceased Paloma's advance by tightening the drawstring on her robe. She teetered at the sigh of vexation Paloma set free.

"That's tempting but we're here to do other things too," Ava reiterated. "Explore the area, have fun. Not stay in bed all day."

Paloma cocked her head dramatically, depicting her counterfeit curiosity. "It's funny. This is coming from the very woman who wouldn't let me leave this bed at all last night. You were pretty damn adamant about that too. That was only, what, twelve hours ago?"

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