Where We Stand

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Paloma stood in front of the familiar, gray apartment door that brought back a plethora of memories, her eyes scanning the entirety of it as she stalled. Although she wanted to tap her knuckles across the opening, she had to admit, a part of her was frightened beyond belief.

She had been over Ava's house a million times, but this time was different. All those other times they had a relationship. They were mere acquaintances, then their bond blossomed into a friendship, before finally evolving into a romantic relationship, however, now Paloma had no idea what to make of their relationship. But most of all, she feared they didn't have one at all.

She swallowed thickly and dispersed the thoughts that made her feel as though she was drowning just before taking the plunge and knocking on the door.

The brunette extended her fingers in attempts to shake the nerves out of her bones once she heard approaching footsteps. After a moment, the door whipped open, Ava's dark red hair spilled over her shoulders as a sudden surge of wind entered the home.

Paloma grimaced once the other woman eyed her carefully. She half expected Ava to slam the door in her face, yell at her, or maybe even throw a few choice unholy words her way, but once the redhead granted Paloma one of her sincere smiles, she simply didn't know what to make of the situation.

Ava released her grip on the doorknob and made her way back into the living room as she spoke over her shoulder, "Come on in."

Paloma furrowed her dark eyebrows, but she knew better than to object. She didn't understand the woman's nonchalant demeanor, however, she didn't question it either.

She stepped inside, closing the door behind her. Her eyes surveyed the area, the living room was neat, the kitchen pristine, not a beer bottle, Ben & Jerry's container, or leftover pizza, that Paloma knew Ava typically used as depression alleviators, in sight.

The redhead took a seat on the couch while Paloma tucked her hands into her pockets and exhaled a small sigh before trapping her bottom lip between her teeth. Her gaze darted down to Ava's once the redhead patted the cushion beside her and produced a giggle.

"Are you gonna sit down or just stare mindlessly around my apartment all day?" Ava snickered.

Paloma simply granted the woman a nod and heeded her request by occupying the spot next to her.

Ava ran her fingers through her hair and smiled, "So, what's up?"

The brunette frowned slightly. "Nothing much, I just wanted to come and see you. Honestly...I didn't think you'd let me in."

Ava playfully rolled her eyes. "When have I not let you in? You're always welcome here."

Paloma smiled but wondered if the other woman could tell it was forced.

"I'm surprised you even came over," Ava admitted.

"Yeah, I know, I—."

"Leaving Quinn home alone, especially after what happened when Ross and his family were over. I thought you'd freak out, but you're taking it a hell of a lot better than I thought," she giggled.

"Well, she's not home actually."

"Oh, well, that makes more sense," Ava chuckled.

Paloma's lips parted as she searched for something to say. She couldn't surmise why Ava was beating around the bush so much, refusing to address the massive elephant in the room, instead bringing up a virtually meaningless topic, one that had nothing to do with the two of them or the situation that drove them apart.

She shook her head. "I thought you'd be mad at me."

Ava shrugged. "Nope, not anymore."

Paloma couldn't help but smirk, she slyly slid closer to the woman. "Really?"

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