The Other Redhead

105 33 16

"I still can't believe you've never seen this," Quinn giggled, her coffee brown eyes traveled up to Charlie's forest green ones as she extended her legs comfortably on the couch, her head resting comfortably on his lap.

"I've never even heard of it," Charlie chuckled before running his fingers through her silky hair.

"Honestly, I never would've seen it either if Quinn didn't make me," Paloma playfully rolled her eyes and shifted closer to Ava on the opposite couch. "She loves this movie."

Since it was a lazy Saturday afternoon, the quartet couldn't summon a better way to spend their time than to watch Coraline at the Sullivan residence.

"Some of us want to watch this movie in peace, please," Ava pleaded, her glare darting between Paloma and Quinn.

The sisters simply granted the woman an apologetic look and forced their conversation to die down. But, the quiet only lasted for a minute before Quinn spoke up again, this time even louder.

"Oh my God!" she sat up and quickly tucked her long hair behind her ear as she frantically tapped away on her cell phone. "Paloma!" she smiled widely as she spoke.

"What?" the brunette pondered.

"The results are in, I just got the email, check yours!" Quinn grinned.

"What results?" Charlie paused the movie and voiced the question that both he and Ava obtained. They watched in confusion while the girls excitedly scrolled through their devices.

"We did this DNA genetic testing and analysis thing a few weeks ago. We had to spit in a tube and send it in and it basically tells you a lot about your ancestry, health, and a bunch of other crazy stuff," the oldest Sullivan replied.

"Well, what does it say?" Ava leaned forward and read over Paloma's shoulder.

"Well, according to this, I'm more prone to developing late-onset Alzheimer's disease when I get older," Paloma grimaced. "It also says that I have a slow caffeine metabolism, which I don't fully understand, but..." she chuckled lightly. "And I'm part Italian, but I mainly have roots from England. And it says I'm 2.6% neanderthal which is apparently really high."

"Wait, what does that mean?" Charlie furrowed his brow.

"It's people from thousands of years ago that interbred with modern humans. So, even though Neanderthals died a long time ago there are still traces of them in our DNA," Quinn uttered as her chocolate eyes scanned the words on her phone.

"So, does it have your parents and other family members on there too?" Ava inquired.

"Nope," Paloma muttered. "I mean, if we had other family members that took this test then it'd let us know, but considering we don't have any family left..." her voice trailed off. Even though technically their only remaining relative was their uncle Perry, neither Sullivan considered him family.

"Wait," Quinn croaked, her face suddenly contorted. "Mine says that I have a relative on here." She eyed the notification bubble at the bottom of the screen that rested over the term family. "Yours doesn't say that?"

Paloma shook her head, "No."

"Well, click on it," Charlie urged. "See who it is."

Quinn pressed her thumb against the notification, her heart skipped a beat and instantly, it felt like the oxygen that was originally traveling through her lungs was now non-existent.

"Come on, the suspense is killing us," Ava groaned.

Quinn's mouth remained agape, her words caught in her throat as if they were made of a sticky substance.

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