Alone, Scared, Or Just Gone

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After an additional two hours of incessant worrying, somehow, Paloma's heavy eyes finally fluttered to a close once her anxiety eventually forced her into a light slumber. Her head sat perched on Ava's shoulder who, in contrast, remained alert and unsettled.

Although the wait was extensive and unwavering, she didn't mind going it alone. She was relieved that the brunette could retreat into the safety of her dreams to escape their harsh reality because she desperately needed it.

Ava's eyes danced around the—now vacant—room. The quiet was nearly unbearable, the only sound that could be heard was the occasional soft sighs Paloma would emit. She would then accompany the exhale by furrowing deeper into Ava's shoulder.

The woman smiled and wrapped her arm around Paloma, pulling her closer as she settled her gaze on the plain white tile the waiting room had to offer.

For a moment, she followed Paloma's lead by closing her eyes, granting herself a minute to rest but the moment was short-lived once she heard approaching footsteps. She glanced at the light-blue scrubs that kissed the top of a pair of gray crocs. A feminine voice disrupted the quiet.

"Excuse me, ma'am."

Ava's eyes fluttered open before returning to its original overly-alert state. She sat up and examined the woman's dirty-blonde hair that was pulled back into a loose ponytail. Her pristine teeth peeked behind her timid smile.

"Are you Ms. Sullivan?"

Ava shook her head and tenderly awakened the writer in question. Paloma grunted softly in response, her eyes struggling against the fluorescent lights. Nevertheless, once she recognized her surroundings, her frantic demeanor returned.

She cleared her throat to chase away the ruggedness in her voice. "Can I see her?"

"You can."

The women immediately rose to their feet before stopping in their tracks once the blonde held out her hands in attempts to keep them stationary.

"But I need to go over a few things with you first."

Paloma wore a testy expression but allowed her to proceed anyhow.

"Dr. Clyde got caught up in assisting another patient so he sent me to give an update, I'm nurse Warner. I have some pleasant news, actually. Your sister has graduated from her comatose state and is now in the minimally conscious state."

Paloma coursed her fingers through her dark hair, her mouth agape. "Did she say anything?"

"Not this time but further progress doesn't seem to be too far behind. Some patients that seem present aren't all there but that wasn't the case with your sister. Recently—though it's only occurred on occasion—she's been opening her eyes and tracking people as well as objects visually. It may not sound like much but this is an astounding development considering she's gained some consciousness within the six hour period those with diffuse axonal injuries are alotted."

A broad smile instantly made its way onto Paloma's lips, her widened eyes followed the gesture.

"So, the injury's not severe. She'll be okay?" the mahogany-haired woman pressed. She shrieked when the nurse granted her a nod.

"Her injury has been officially diagnosed as moderate."

It wasn't until Ava engaged Paloma in a tight hug that the brunette released a shaky breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. The desperateness the gesture held told Paloma that she wasn't the only one that feared greatly for the girl's life.

She instinctively returned the bone-crushing affection and allowed herself to revel in the elongated embrace, taking in the other woman's intoxicatingly familiar scent that brought her an even greater sense of peace. A feeling that she hadn't anticipated would come to fruition for at least another lifetime.

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