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Paloma clasped her hands around her warm coffee mug and welcomed the smile that crept its way onto her features. She couldn't help but join in on the light laughter Quinn and Ava engaged in, even though she hadn't really been listening to the conversation.

She had always loved Summer mornings like these, they were always the sweetest. When there were no worries or obligations just broad smiles and faint giggles. Paloma was convinced that only early Sunday Summer mornings could create such a contently serene atmosphere.

It was only when Ava gathered their plates, that only had remnants of bacon and sticky maple syrup, and stacked them with a quiet clank that Paloma reached to take some of the stained dishes into her own hands. She met Ava's gaze with a frown when the woman shoed her away.

"You cooked, I'll handle the dishes."

A smile tugged at the corners of Paloma's lips once Ava planted a gentle kiss to her forehead. She was no stranger to her girlfriend's affection, even so, now that she was able to wake up every morning next to the woman, Paloma found it harder and harder to prevent the pink tint from rising in her cheeks.

Against her own wishes, the blush failed to disperse even as she reclaimed her seat at the dinette table. She rolled her eyes at Quinn who wore a teasing grin.

"Shut up," she chuckled.

The redhead raised her hands up in surrender. "I didn't say anything."

"You didn't have to, it's written all over your face. So, what are you gonna do today? You and Charlie got plans?"

"No, actually, but I had something mind."

Paloma nodded. "Shoot."

Quinn took in a small breath then looked back up at the woman. "...I think I wanna go home."

The brunette let out a small laugh, "Do you have another home I don't know about?"

"No." Quinn shook her head. "I mean...home home."

Once the words fell from the girl's lips, Paloma took on a pensive expression. She leaned closer to her sister then her eyes softened.

"What brought this on?"

Paloma pressed her lips together when Quinn failed to offer a response. Instead, the teenager granted her a small shrug before revisiting her own pressing question, "Please?"

The brunette inhaled softly but refrained from pushing the girl any further when the determination in her eyes became apparent. Paloma rose from the table and entered the kitchen where Ava stood at the sink, lathering the dirty dishes in soap as she sang softly.

It was something that Paloma quickly began to pick up on not long after the mahogany-haired woman moved in. She only ever seemed to do it when she was in deep thought about something. Still, Paloma surmised that the thoughts couldn't be matters that were too pressing because the woman's voice always came out in the form of a lighthearted, gentle tune.

The melodic song that fell from Ava's lips increased Paloma's reluctance to disturb her, so she waited a moment for Ava's voice to trail off before finally resting her hand on the other woman's arm to alert her of her presence. Once Ava turned to face her she smiled.

"Hey, do you mind if we borrow your car? It'd just be for a couple hours," Paloma assured.

Ava met her query with a small chuckle, "Of course. You don't have to ask."

"Thanks, we'll be back soon." The brunette grinned as she studied Ava's soft features carefully. "...I Love you." She kissed Ava delicately and welcomed the sweet taste of apricots that overtook her taste buds.

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