Lone Battles

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Paloma expelled a deep sigh as she turned her key in the lock, effectively granting herself access to her home. She stepped inside and shielded herself from the slowly setting sun before gritting her teeth and reflecting on the disheartening events the lengthy day presented to her.

After finding out about Ava's new relationship, if one could even call it that, the brunette couldn't think of anything else for the entirety of the afternoon.

Her mind ran wild. Paloma imagined what Ava's sexual encounters were like, the thought of the mahogany-haired woman's lips on someone's body that wasn't her own began to play over and over again in her head. It was almost as if the events were occurring right in front of her. She gritted her teeth while trying to decipher what the mystery woman looked like, the woman that apparently had something that she didn't.

The thought of Ava kissing someone else, touching someone else, and loving someone else, or anyone else for that matter, absolutely made her skin crawl. This level of jealousy and animosity were unfamiliar to Paloma, however, a part of her couldn't help but welcome the intense feelings.

She had to admit, while the situation absolutely infuriated and repulsed her, she knew she had no right to be mad. She had no rights to Ava because it was her own shortcomings that destroyed their relationship. Nevertheless, her understanding of her predicament still failed to alleviate her pain.

She ambled her way into the kitchen and dropped her keys onto the counter next to her purse. Her digits tangled in her hair as she pulled open the fridge and scanned its contents. Her eyes lit up once she came across the frigid beer that awaited her. She wrapped her fingers around the bottle and shut the refrigerator with her hip.

Paloma leaned over and planted her elbows on the counter, bringing the beverage to her lips. Her eyes fluttered to a close as she savored the bitter taste that she longed for, and at the moment, desperately needed, as well as the peace and quiet that encompassed her.

It wasn't until she heard footsteps quietly approaching that she finally opened her eyes. She couldn't help but jump ever so slightly once she realized her sister was standing right in front of her.

Paloma placed her hand over her heart and rolled her eyes. "You scared the shit outta me."

Quinn shrugged and planted herself in the barstool across from the brunette. "How was overtime?"

"Crappy," came the woman's immediate response.

After a moment, her annoyed expression dispersed, a grin replacing her frown at the sight of Siberia playfully nipping at her feet in greeting. She placed her bottle on the table and scooped Siberia up in her arms instead. She couldn't help but giggle as the puppy attempted to gnaw on her fingers.

Paloma looked away from the squirming animal just long enough to met her sister's gaze. "What about you, what are you doing home so early? I thought you had to work late tonight."

"Well, I did, but..."

"But...what?" the brunette coaxed, her interest officially peaked once she noted the unusually quiet demeanor that was about the girl.

"...I was fired," Quinn reluctantly relayed.

"What?" Paloma bellowed. "How? What happened?"

The redhead rubbed her arm as she spoke, "I don't know. Wilfred's pretty protective of Charlie and he think's I'm a bad influence on him. According to him, Charlie can't get anything done when I'm there. He basically told me I'm a good worker, but Charlie and I's relationship was getting in the way, so..."

"What?" the brunette demanded once more. "So, he fired you?"

Quinn nodded her head. "Yeah, I don't think Wilfred likes me all that much," she chuckled dryly.

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