Revisiting Solitude

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Charlie rested his eyes, his dark lashes kissed his cheeks softly as Quinn leaned down and pressed her lips to his. The darkness produced by the night surrounded them almost entirely. The moonlight that poured in through the white drapes illuminated the pink comforter that was ruffled beneath them.

Both teens' eyelids remained closed once their kisses lost all sense of method and instead grew more passionate. The corners of Quinn's mouth turned up after the boy grazed his fingers over her sides in attempts to lift her shirt over her head, however, she was whisked away from her mesmerizing trance at the sound of distinct voices that seemed to be coming from down the hall.

She reluctantly tore her lips from Charlie's and sat up, her legs straddling his waist. "Did you hear that?"

The other teenager leaned up and wrapped his arms around her midsection, pulling her closer to him. His lips found her jaw and he spoke in between kisses, "It's...just...Paloma...and Ava."

She suppressed the moan that threatened to escape and shook her head, "Yeah, but why are they yelling?"

"I don't know and honestly, I don't really care," Charlie chuckled.

"Yeah, but—."

The boy quickly switched their positions, he smiled at the giggle Quinn produced. Her red hair spilled over the pillow while she looked up towards Charlie who hovered above her, his expression filled with amusement.

"Don't worry about it," he whispered.

"It's pretty hard to ignore when they're—." Her words dissolved in her throat once she felt the boy gently continue, in spite of her objections.

She instinctively pushed her head further back into the pillow once Charlie's lips found her neck. She reveled in the feeling that never failed to increase her blood pressure to dangerous levels. She surprised herself when she was finally able to do something that she almost never had the willpower to do in the past, her hands reluctantly gripped the boy's shoulders before pushing him away.

"I can't exactly do this when all I can hear is my sister's voice in the background," the redhead chuckled. "Kinda kills the mood."

Their eyes narrowed once the voices become more distinct, they listened to the obvious frustration apparent in both Paloma and Ava's loud assertions.

Charlie met Quinn's gaze as she sighed, "As much as it pains me to say...we have to stop. They're yelling pretty loud and I should probably peek out and see what's going on."

She couldn't help but giggle at the groan her boyfriend produced. "...Okay," he relented before granting her a quick peck on the lips. "I guess I'll just head home."

"You don't have to go, it should just take a minute. You could hide until I get back," she snickered.

The teenager's Adam's apple bobbed in his throat as he laughed, "Nah, that didn't work out too well for me last time and after what happened with Ross and his family on Sunday, I'm pretty sure Paloma wouldn't be too happy if she found me in here alone with you. I'll just go."

Despite the disappointment he held knowing he had to leave, a part of him couldn't help but smile as he recalled Paloma's sincere words that rang through his head ever since that sweet Sunday evening. He was just about certain that getting acceptance from Paloma was probably a once in a lifetime occurrence, like seeing an angel or visiting the moon. He finally felt like the woman trusted him and her declaration of his acceptance made him feel overjoyed and most of all, worthy. Immediately after he processed her genuine proclamation, he decided that he'd never let the woman grow to regret it.

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