Alone Together

97 19 42

The sun's bright rays made its presence known once the rain, produced by the spring season, dispersed along with the dark clouds that covered the sky. Paloma's raven hair unfolded in the wind as she shut her car door and made the short journey up the driveway.

It wasn't until she heard a vehicle pull up behind her that she snapped her gaze away from the front door of her home. Her inquisitive expression dispersed once Ava killed the ignition and stepped out of the car.

Paloma expunged an exasperated sigh before rolling her eyes and quickly turning her key in the deadbolt as fast as her hands would allow. She gripped the doorknob and immediately stepped inside, despite her hasty movements, Ava still managed to prevent the brunette from closing the door in her face as she originally planned.

Ava struggled with the door while Paloma continued to lean against it, effectively keeping the redhead out.

"Really, Paloma? Can we not act like children?" Ava huffed.

"Ehh." The brunette shrugged. "I don't really have a problem with it."

The other woman peeked through the small crevice between the door and the frame and eyed Paloma earnestly. "Come on."

Once she realized the brunette still made no effort to let her in, she cocked her eyebrow. "Don't forget, I have a key to your place. I'll just end up getting in either way."

Paloma mentally cursed herself as she settled her gaze elsewhere. After several torturous moments, she lifted herself from the entrance, finally granting Ava access.

She marched into the kitchen before tossing her keys onto the counter along with a white paper bag with a red and yellow logo that read: Wilfred's Burgers and Shakes.

While a part of Paloma was still angry with Wilfred for firing Quinn, she had to admit, he made pretty damn good food and she simply couldn't pass it up, not with it being right down the street.

"Why are you here?" she deadpanned.

"You haven't been returning any of my calls, I had to make sure you weren't dead." Ava bit her lip, despite her cautious demeanor, the woman still had a playfulness about her.

The small chuckle she produced was instantly shut down the second Paloma scoffed and turned to face her, her hands resting on her hips.

"Yeah, I haven't been returning your calls for a reason," the brunette promptly retorted. "My silence wasn't an invitation for you to come on over."

Ava merely exhaled while a knot formed in her belly at the sound of Paloma's affirmation.

"Besides, I'm sure Sandra's waiting for you. You don't wanna be away from your girl too long." Paloma ripped open the paper bag that rested on the counter and reached in, snatching some french fries from the bottom before cramming them into her mouth. She cocked her eyebrow condescendingly as she chewed quietly.

"She's not my girl, alright?"

"You sure about that? Babe, who's that?" Paloma mocked with the wave of her hands. "Those were your words."

The mahogany-haired woman tensed her jaw and breathed softly through her nose. "That was just talk, okay? It's casual."

"It's not casual," the brunette challenged. "With you, it's never casual. You're an all in kind of person. I knew it would turn into this," she whispered.

A crimson tint spread over Ava's fair-skinned cheeks and Paloma instantly recognized the anger and frustration apparent in her expression. "Why the hell do you care so much?"

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