Sixteen Candles

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"Hey, birthday girl." Paloma leaned against the frame of the bathroom door and furrowed her brow as she studied her sister's features.

The redhead in question opened her mouth to speak, however, instead of words falling from her lips, bile rose from the depths of her stomach and spewed out into the toilet.

She rested on her knees and gripped the bowl of the commode to prevent from losing her balance.

Paloma scurried towards the girl and quickly pulled her lengthy, red hair back while her other hand gently rubbed soothing circles on Quinn's back.

"You okay?" she pondered.

After a few moments, Quinn sat up and nodded her head. "Yeah, I a little sick."

Paloma chuckled causing the redhead to meet her gaze. "You got sick...or you got drunk?"

Despite the laugh that slithered past Paloma's lips, the redhead still picked up on the seriousness her sister's expression held.

Before Quinn could object, she was silenced by nausea that caused the vomit to climb its way back up her throat. She leaned down and allowed the bile to pour into the toilet.

Paloma continued to gently rub the girl's back as she spoke, "Don't try to bullshit me, Charlie and I could barely get you up the stairs after you got home last night."

Quinn wiped her mouth and rose to her feet, her gaze resting on her fuzzy, pink house shoes.

"...I'm sorry."

"No, you're not," the brunette immediately asserted.

The girl sighed and flushed the toilet before grabbing her toothbrush and lathering the bristles in toothpaste.

Paloma leaned against the counter next to her while Quinn began brushing her teeth, her gaze fixed on the sink.

The woman expunged a soft sigh, "Look, I'm not gonna give you one of my famous screeching lectures or anything, but you're still a kid, you shouldn't be drinking. In another five years, trust me, the second you turn twenty-one I'll take you out myself and you'll get so hammered you won't be able to think straight but right now, you really shouldn't."

Quinn simply nodded her head while Paloma pressed on.

"I'm not gonna lay into you mainly because it's your birthday and I did the same shit when I was your age, but still, I want you to be better than me. You're sixteen now, which means you're gonna have more freedom, but the only way that's gonna work is if you prove to me that I can trust you. I don't wanna have to stay up all night worried that you're gonna try to drive home while you're drunk."

Quinn spit into the sink and turned to her sister. "I wouldn't do that. I know how dangerous that is. I won't, I promise."

Paloma crossed her arms over her chest and raised her eyebrows, obviously unconvinced.

"I don't wanna end up like mom and dad," she admitted. "You can trust me."

The woman studied her sister and once she saw the sincerity in Quinn's expression, she pulled her into a hug and planted a kiss on the top of her head. " better not. Now hurry up and get ready," she granted the girl a small smile. "Your party's starting soon."


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