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Arnav Singh Raizada was sitting in his office. His fingers moving furiously on the keypad of his laptop. Sparkling brown orbs were all focused and fixed on the screen ahead. His every posture was screaming of perfection and intelligence. And why not so?? After all he was the fashion king of India. He never needed to spoke for himself, his apearance spoke volumes.
The whole room was drowned in a peaceful atmosphere. Only the tic-tac of typing could be heard. That's when the loud ring of intercom shrieked the silence. Removing his eyes from the screen, Arnav picked up the receiver.

"Yes!" His voice was curt.

"ASR, a man is here to see you. His name is Aditya Sharma." The nipping voice of Sim, his secretary informed from the other side.

Aditya Sharma??

Aditya Shar--



Arnav's expressions changed from confused to alert within a second. His jaw clenched tightly as the name started ringing bell.

"What the fuck is he doing here??? Ask him to disappear within a second otherwise I myself will do the honor of breaking his nose!" Arnav bellowed making Pim squirm in her seat.

"Yy..ye..yes ASR!!" She stuttered imidiately knocking down the receiver on the cradle.


Inside the room, Arnav was measuring the length of room with long strides. He was moving back and forth like a pendulum. His stiff body, clenched jaw and fisted hands were reflecting his anger. His eyes were again and again darting towards his side table where a framed picture of Khushi was placed.

The door of cabin flung open and a smiling Aditya stepped inside with a nervous Pim trailing behind. Arnav turned around sharply. His eyes narrowed dangerously at the scene infront of him.

"You---" Arnav started speaking moving towards Aditya pointing a finger at him but was cut short as he held his hands up in a defensive way.

"Please, I want to talk to you Mr. Arnav. It will be great if you sit down and listen to me calmly." Aditya said.

"Who the fuck are you to order me, han?? Just get out of here right now otherwise I will break your neck." Arnav gritted pointing towards the door.

"I request you to listen to me first Arnav. I can assure you that you won't regret." Aditya's voice was still calm.

"Please!!!" He immidiately added looking Arnav to refuse.

Closing his eyes for a second, Arnav took a deep breath trying to calm down his throbbing pulse. Looking at Aditya, he nodded his head gesturing him to sit. He then turned around and glared at a frightened Pim.

"You...just get out of here. I will deal with you later. Your arbitration would be taken later." He curted in a dangerous voice and Pim immidiately turned around and leave the room.


"I am sorry."

Arnav's head shot up at this voice. He looked at the man sitting infront of him with unbelievable eyes.


Aditya chukled lightly seeing his surprised expressions.

"Year Arnav, I am sorry. I am sorry for whatever happened in the party that day. It's just that, I met with Khushi after a long time. We couldn't control our happiness. I am apologizing to you because you are also right in your place. Maybe if I was at your place, I would have reacted in the same way. You have every right to be angry Arnav but believe me when I say, that you don't need to be insecure of me or anyone else out there. Khushi is yours, solely yours. She loves you and only you. No one can snatch her from you Arnav."

Aditya stopped for a second taking a breath. Arnav was as quiet as a grave. His mind comprehending every single uttered word.

"Khushi is like a younger sister to me which I never had. That..that marriage promise..*chuckle* was when she was 4 years old. It didn't had any meaning. It's just a sweet childhood memory for us and nothing more than that. I remember I used to tease her alot with it after growing up." Aditya provided smiling slightly.

Arnav was still quite not knowing what to say.

"That day in the party, I immediately recognized you as a jealous, possessive husband. Whatever I did was to ignite you. I am admitting all this because I know that I was wrong. If you had stayed a little longer instead of carrying back khushi like a sack, *chuckle* I would have apologized there only but I didn't get a chance. Khushi is very dear to me Arnav, I have lost track of her once, I don't want to loose her again. You know what, she had refused to take my calls and answer my messages from that day Arnav and both of us know the reason behind this. I know you love her so much and you should but please don't put restrictions on her. Like I said before, she is only yours... please let me meet my friend once in a while, it's a request." Aditya finish in a low soft voice.

Arnav kept looking at him with scrutinizing gaze as if trying to peek inside him. Aditya smirked seeing his constant estimation.

"I think you still find it difficult to believe me. Oh God!! Man, what are you??? My throat is parching with the long speech I gave you but here I can't see any impact of it." Aditya laughed.

Throwing the pen on the table, Arnav leaned back on the chair rubbing his hands on his face. Sighing audibly, he looked at Aditya and spoke,

"Honestly speaking, I don't know what to say. That day, it seemed like you have an eye for khushi but now you are saying---"

"Trust your wife Arnav if not me." Aditya cut in. " I don't know wheater I should say this or not as I am quite unexperienced in this matter but in a relationship, trust is more important than love Arnav. Your trust in your wife will enhance your love for her. "

"I trust my khushi." Arnav snapped post haste.

"Then you shouldn't think twice before believing me and allowing khushi to meet me." Aditya retorted back.

"Okayy!!" Arnav exhaled.

"Really?????? Yayyyyyy!!!! Thank you Arnav for allowing me to meet my little sister. Love you bro!!!"

Aditya squealed loudly standing up from the chair and stormed towards Arnav's chair. Reaching near him, he made him stand forcefully before taking him in a tight hug. Arnav kept standing like a statue with bewildered expressions on his face with his hands hanging on his side. His face was twitched weirdly.

Aditya pulled back once he saw the lack of response and enthusiasm. Smiling sheepishly, he rubbed Arnav's coat over his shoulder trying to wipe away the invisible dust.

"Sorry I became a little excited!" Aditya said.

"Little??? No bro, you were overexcited!" Arnav informed trying to carry an annoyed expression on his face.

Aditya laughed heartedly before moving towards the door.

"Bye Arnav, see ya later." Aditya waved walking away.

But before stepping outside, he stopped near the door and turned around.

"Arnav" Aditya called.

Arnav looked at him with questining eyes.

"You can thanks me later." Aditya winked before moving outside.

"Unbelievable man. No wonder he is my khushi's friend." Arnav shook his head trying to fight back the smile.


That's it!!

Hope you guys like it 😊

Tell me wheather I should continue with these bonus chapters or not??

Suggestions are welcomed. PM me or leave a comment on what you want to read. I will try to pen it down.

Loads of love

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