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"Are you sure Khushi...you will be able to live alone??"

Arnav repeated the same question which he had been asking her from hours now. Both of them were standing outside the deprature lounge of Delhi Airport. Khushi's both hands were clasped with his. She was here to see him off.

Khushi chuckled seeing her husband's unsure and concern filled eyes.

" Arnav this is the umpeetenth time you have asked this question. I will be fine darling and I won't be alone, Maya would be there with me." She tried to assure him taking her care-taker's name.

Arnav heaved a long sigh.

"I don't want to go leaving you behind here alone. Only if you weren't pregnant, I would have taken you with me." He squeezed her hands.

"No problem Arnav. I will be alright. It's just the matter of two weeks only." Khushi shrugged casually.

"Just two weeks?? Like really khushi? There are FIFTEEN days in two weeks." He tried to remind her.

"So what?? They will pass eventually."

Arnav sighed again deeply. "Yeah. Your's will pass but mine won't. I have already started missing you baby."

"Okay! Don't go than if you are missing me so much." Khushi challenged.

"If you had asked this with love, I would have definitely stop but I won't except any of your challenge because I love to loose from you." Arnav said looking straight in her eyes.

Khushi felt her heart beat raising a bit. As always, he had successfully managed to shut her up with his words. He was an expert player in this.

"Come here, let's take a selfie." Arnav's voice break her chain of thoughts.

She looked up to see him taking his phone out of his back pocket. Smiling brightly, she moved next to him. Putting an arm around her waist, Arnav pulled her closest to his side and click their picture with the front camera of his I-Phone.

"Perfect!" Both of them muttered at the same time, looking at the picture.

"Perfect!" Both of them muttered at the same time, looking at the picture

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The final announcement for the passengers started echoing in the lounge. Arnav looked at her with sad, desperate and loved filled eyes before moving forward and taking her in a bare hug, taking care of her belly.

"I love you and our baby so much Khushi, I will miss you guys alot." He kissed her lips.

"I and our baby love you too."

Smiling softly at her, Arnav bent down and kissed her belly lovingly, caressing it all the time.

"Bye baby." He whispered makinh Khushi smiled at his extremely loving nature.

Straightening back, Arnav again held her hands in his and started speaking.

"Now listen to me carefully Khushi. You will take a lot of care of yourself and baby. Take your food, fruits, juices, medicines, vitamins, calcium... everything on time. I will keep in touch with Maya. I don't want to get any single complain of you. Behave like a good girl. You will have each and everything which she will give you without throwing any tantrums. Don't forget to visit Doctor Navya, she is back to Delhi. And if she asked you to go for the ultrasound to check the genes of baby, you will obey her quietly and won't persist to wait for me. Take good care of yourself, don't strain or stress yourself and take proper sleep and rest, Am I clear??"

My Possessive Husband [On-Hiatus] |#IAAWhere stories live. Discover now