Sun soaked eyes

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Your POV~

Its dark now. Still driving going to old Mill town. The smell of Sam and Deans fast food was filling my nose. I'm kinda hungry but I know they wont feed me. Who feeds a demon? They are probably thinking that we all dont need to eat.

I covered my stomach to hold the faint growls. I zoned out for the majority of this ride. The car stopped and some lights peeped through the windshield. "Where are we?" I sleepily ask. 

"Motel. Time to crash." Dean said turning off the car. 

"Excuse me?" I said upset. "What am i suppose to do?" I scoffed. 

"Stay in the car?" Sam said getting out. The boys left me in the car. Seriously? In a cold car at night?! Oh my god this is ridiculous. They even locked me in this car!

I sighed and fixed the coat on my shoulders to act as a small blanket. I shivered and tried to tuck my legs as close to me as possible. I practically hibernated just to get some sleep. So uncomfortable.  

After a  few hours of half-ass sleeping one of the car doors opened. I felt someone gently pull the jacket off of me. I peeked my eyes open and saw Dean gingerly standing in the open car door. "Nnm?" I groaned tired. 

"Shush." he said "Its cold. I will let you inside as long as you dont try to sneak out. Ok?" He asked. My tired thoughts nodded my head for me. He grabbed my legs and pulled me out of the car and into his arms.

Hes warm. I cuddled into his shoulder. After that I blacked out and slept until the sun hit me. 

Time Skip~~~

Its so soft! My back dosent hurt like normal. I turned over and got even more warm. Some sun warmed my eyelids slowly waking me. I was in a motel room. No one was in the second bed next to me. I thought I was in the car? 

I stretched and sat up. My mess of hair was taking over my head. "Morning sunshine." A deep voice startled me. I jumped out of the bed and fell to my knees next to it. Dean was standing in front of me with a signature smile. 

"Uh." I said trying to get to my feet my holding the bed with my cuffed hands. "Which town are we in?" I asked looking out the window's blinds seeing an unfamiliar scene. 

"Old Mill." Sam said tying on his computer. 

"Ok!" I said excited "That's great! I can go." I said attempting to grab my jacket. 

"What? No!"Dean said stopping me "You have to help." 

"With finding the demons?" I looked at him like he was crazy. He waved his hands like it was a silly question. I looked at Sam who was ignoring us. I gave Dean another look before storming over to Sam. "Talk with me." I whispered. He finally looked up from his computer "Now."

We went out of the room and it was a trouble to keep Dean in the room so we could talk. "What?" Sam asked already knowing.

"WHAT!?" I yelled. I feel like my neck is going to snap from having to look up at him "We all now there is no reason for me to be here! Let me leave! I am barley a demon in the first place I have no reason to be here." 

"I know. I know." Sam sighed. 

"you do!" I lectured "WHY am i here!?" 

"If It was my decision we would have exorcised you by now." Sam annoyed, pinched the bridge of his nose.  I threw my hands in the air and stomped my foot.

"IT WOULDN'T MATTER! Even if you did it would just kill me! I'm not a normal demon! You guys think I am!" I yelled.

"What do you mean it would just kill you?" he asked interested.

"First of all if you exorcised me then I would just plan die. I'm not a demon possessing a body I am the body. So if you did you would just kill me. AND if I didn't just die from that then all my powers would be gone then i could revert to my "Human" body."

"Whats wrong with that?"

"I'm like 90-ish years old! I'll die from that anyways!" I said frustrated.  Sam was looking at me amazed. 

"Uh huh."he said like he was thinking. 

"Whatever. Just take the cuffs off and I'll go roam free and explore the earth like I was before." I nudged my cuffed hands into his belly. 

"So you cant go to hell?" He asked.

"No.No I cant." I rolled my eyes "I never came from hell so I cant go." 

"Really?" He said mostly talking to himself. 

"Please get back on topic! Let me leave." I pushed his stomach more. He stared at me for a second before grabbing the chain to the cuff. I smiled thinking he was going to let me go. But I was wrong. He tugged me back into the room. I felt a lot of hope leave me once again. 

I'll be stuck with these guys forever huh?

AN~ Hi guyyyyyyssss! Yes I know short chapter! But I think I'm starting to get a plot for this so I think I'll continue this. I dont have a promise on how often I'll update but it shouldnt be years like others. If I do that that long then just comment about it and I'll do what I can

Love~ Rachelgladden

Rocksalt Shells Dean X Demon Reader(ON HOLD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon