The call

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The phone starts to ring at the police station, Hopper answers it immediately thinking its Joyce he was expecting a call from her "Hello is this Jim Hopper?" It's not Joyce at all its a male voice The principal of El's school. Thinks Hopper sighing in annoyance She must've just drawn over some of the school again with the boys. Teenagers these days. "Yes this is Jim. What has El done now?" Jim asked smirking a little, but as the words came out of the land line his smirked dropped into a straight line his face hard "She hasn't come to school today, we assume that you've just forgot to ring in to report her sick?" Once the Principal finished Hopper is already on his feat "No El isn't sick. Are you sure you didn't see her today?" Hopper frowned "No. I'm sorry Jim I hope you find her." and with that the principal hanged up. Jim put the phone down shocked She winged school. I'm going to find her and set her straight! Max must be the cause of this.

Joyce POV
Joyce decided to not go to work today. She rang in sick well she is sick emotionally because of being so excessively worried of Will and Y/N. She had a different land line so people couldn't always call her it sat on the kitchen bench, she just could never get rid of the old phone that got burnt when Will was trying to meant to much to her. The phone sudden rang from the kitchen bench Joyce slowly picked up the phone "Mrs Byers, Will hasn't came to school today." The principal's voice came over the phone, Joyce almost dropped the phone after he stopped talking. No. No. Not again he can't be missing not this time! "What...what do you mean he didn't go to school?" Joyce spoke so lightly her voice cracking with worry. "Mrs Byers. I'm sorry to say he hasn't.." Joyce hanged up the phone leaving it hanging it's wire so long that the actual recover just dangled there close to the ground already in her car Joyce started the engine.

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