Chapter 20

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My name sounded so familiar from her mouth.

"Mikaela?" I said, not even thinking. I feel Cam holding my hands in his "we should look for the others" he said. He looked at the mysterious girl beside me, then he said "are you okay? We have people we want to find so maybe it's best if you go alone..."

"O-Oh... I can't" the girl said. I held her hand "no, I'll get you to go to a store" I said, then looked at Cameron who now had wide eyes "Cam, follow us" I said. Cam opened his mouth, but I stopped him "the rest likely found their ways out themselves. Don't worry too much about them" I said.

I can't waste any more time if this girl is actually about to die. Besides, I knew that Luke, Yuna and Sana would be fine. I was actually most worried about myself and Cam. Luke and Yuna probably jumped like frogs with those blessed long legs and physical ability, nearly fully out of the fog. That may be an exaggeration, but you know what I mean. Sana would've stayed calm and find her way out of it with her brains. I can imagine her calmly complaining about how the fog had ruined her hair after all this is over.

"T-thank you.." the girl said in between coughs, and though the fog is hot her hands are ice cold. "Come on" I said, leading the way with my flashlight and covering my mouth and nose with my free one.

The girl beside me could barely talk clearly last time, as if she was using every ounce of power she has left to form words. I decided to stay silent and do my best in finding signs of an indoor place.

As we got further and further away from the fog, I can see the girl beside me clearer. There was no doubt by now that she is extremely unwell. The one feature of hers that stood out the most is the messy, curly blonde hair. It was all over the place, covering her face and creating something that you would see in a rock concert. It was the color of egg yolk... but some parts of it look like a birds nest.

The clearer I got to see her, the more convinced I am that this is Mikaela. Everything about her eventually convinced me that there is no way this girl isn't Mikaela. But I couldn't say anything right now, not when she is struggling too much.

As the fog became thinner and thinner, we are able to breathe more freely. I eventually found a storeS

I opened the door, and the girl beside me walked limply to a nearby couch. "Are you okay!?" the shopkeeper said, walking towards the girl.

I guess both Cam and I looked fine.

I looked around the store and took a deep breath. The air feels infinitely fresher. "Hey! You're here" I looked to see Yuna, walking towards me and Cam. She looked fine...

"How did you get out of it so quickly?" Cam asked. "I jumped" Yuna said. "See? I was right" I said.

I turned my attention back to the frail girl. The shopkeeper is in front of her, letting her drink some water.

"Phew! What a bother" the door opened and came out Sana. "Sana!" Cam said, giving his sister a big hug "good, you're here. I was worried about you" she said. When she saw me and Yuna, she smiled. "Where's grandpa?" she asked.

"I sure hope he isn't trying to look for us..." Yuna sighed. "He might" i said, almost face palming myself.

"Don't worry. The fog will soon cease and he'll easily free himself if he wants to" Sana said "i mean, i made it. So did you two" she laughed.

"Yeah, we're luckly the explosion wasn't too extreme" Cam said.

I remembered that the girl came out of the car, where the explosion happened. Immediately I walked to her "hi. Just nod or shake your head to answer my question, okay?" I said.

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