Chapter 1

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Okay the first couple chapters might kind of suck so bare with me its my first book so the writing will gets a little better. I can't edit it yet either so im sorry for the mistake. If you still like it though im up for the 2012 watty awards under undiscovered gems so don't forget to vote for it! LOL Thanks lots. xoxo

Picture to the side is of Allison>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Allison's POV

Have you ever had one of those moments when you look around and think to your self that life couldn't get any better? Well right now I was having one of those moments. I couldn't help but to smile when I looked around the lunch table. Man, I'm one of the most luckiest girls here I thought looking over my friends. I have one of the greatest boyfriends ever, and the world's most awesome best friend. Speaking of which, I turned around to face him which only made my smile grow even bigger.

"YAY! You only have a week left until your eighteenth birthday!" I said looking over at my best friend Blane who was sitting across from me.

"Psh, what's so great about it, half way through the night I'm going to change and not remember most of the night any way. So what's the point of making plans." He said shrugging.

"Really, you don't want to do anything at all?" I said pouting my bottom lip out and batting my eyelashes, he always hates when I do that. But its only because he can never tell me no.

"Fine, what do you have in mind?" He asked rolling his eyes. I smiled really big. I knew that would work it always does.

"Ummmm, I don't know, what sounds like fun?" I asked looking around the table for any suggestions.

"Nothing that I'm not in on." Said my boyfriend Steff as he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a tight squeeze.

I leaned into him and gave him a quick kiss. "Nothing I do is ever without you." I said grinning really big.

"Please stop before I puke." Blane said gagging.

"Oh please," I said rolling my eyes. "One day you will find your mate and you will be all lovey dovey too."

Blane faked gagged again. "How would you know? You and Steff aren't even mated yet."

"You just know when you know." I said grabbing one of my chips and throwing it at his head.

"Anyways." Blane said rolling his eyes. "What are we going to do for my birthday, since you insist on doing something."

"STRIP CLUB!!!" Steff's best friend John yelled, getting way too excited. Which only earned him a smack in the head from his girlfriend Sara.

"Yeah, because you and Blane are the only ones getting in dumb ass." Steff said sounding disappointed.

"Wait, you pervs would really go to a strip club?" I said giving Steff the best evil eyes I could.

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