Chapter 24

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Sorry for the late upload I really got stuck on this chapter for some reason.

I hope you all enjoy it. Vote comment fan or just keep reading!!!! xoxo

Allison's POV

I stood there in the door way of my first period class watching everyone laughing and talking hurrying to their next class. My stomach was in a ball of nerves, the way Blane was acting I figured he'd be at the door as soon as I walked out but as the minutes passed I had a feeling he wasn't coming but I still stood there not knowing what to do. The bell rang as the hallways cleared. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Allison." I turned around and stared blankly at my first hour teacher. "Are you going to head to you next class." He asked giving me a questioning look.

"Oh yeah, I just um." I said then shook my head trying to clear it. What was I suppose to say my boyfriend told me to wait for him so my ex don't try hurting me. "Sorry, I'm going." I said taking off away from his class.

"Well hurry up so you're not to late for your next class." He said shutting the classroom door. As soon as he did I felt the silence of the hallways. Okay Allison just make it to the end of the hall and up the stairs and down four doors, I told myself. Picking up my speed when I heard foot steps behind me I pleaded in my head, please don't be Steff. It almost sounded like they were running now.

"Steff quit running in the halls." One of the teachers with their door open yelled out. My heart dropped to my feet and I felt tears stinging my eyes. I knew it was him I was about to round the corner to the stairs when he came up beside me. Oh god what's he going to do.

"Hey Allison you better hurry up." Stephanie said passing me and went around the corner. Oh my gosh, I stopped at the stairs watching as she made her way the stairs. Stephanie was one of the most popular girls at school. Very pretty and athletic and went by Steph. I let out a laugh and sat at the bottom of the stairs. Man I about gave myself a heart attack. I don't think Steff would come into school and try anything. He always seemed to do stuff when people weren't around. Like now I thought getting really uncomfortable for some reason just sitting all by myself. I stood up and went to turn to go up the stairs to my next class, but an arm wrapped around my shoulder and chest bringing me up against a hard chest. Thank god I thought putting my arm on the one around me.

"You know what Blane, next time you tell me to wait for you, you better be on time. Now we're both late." I said leaning into him. He started kissing down my neck and I moaned tilting my head to the side willing his lips to his mark on my shoulder. As he worked his lips down my neck his other hand came around and started up the front of my shirt. He ran his finger along the bottom of my bra but something didn't seem right when his lips ran across his mark. I didn't feel anything not electricity, not anything. I felt his teeth scrape across it and there was still nothing. His hand moved up over my bra and squeezed my breast. I yelped out in pain when I felt his nails digging into my skin. I pulled back ready to yell at him but when I did I seen Steff standing there with a half dazed look on his face.

"Oh my god, what the hell do you think you're doing." I squealed out backing up a few steps.

"What, you were enjoying it." He said smiling his new creepy smile.

"Because I thought you were Blane." I snapped rolling my eyes.

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