Chapter 5

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Picture of John off to the side.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Allison's POV

"Hey Babe." Steff said walking up to me and putting his arms around me. "You still pissed at me about last night?" he mumbled nuzzling up against my neck.

I pulled my head back to look at him. "No, I'm just getting sick of your mood swings. Lately you've been having them really bad, and been taking them out on me."

"I know, it's just been really stressful at home with my dad and him pushing me to take over the pack. I'm sorry that I've been taking it out on you, but it just seems between you and my dad I can't seem to do any thing right." He said looking upset.

"Oh baby, its alright. I'm not mad, I just got a little upset because we haven't been spending much time together." I said hugging him tight.

"I know a way we can make it up to each other." He whispered while grabbing my hand and pulling me out the kitchen door.

Just when the door shut I heard what sounded like glass being broke. I turned around to see what happen but Steff yanked on my hand as he spoke. "Blane can clean it up." 

Walking through the front room were John and Sara were cleaning up I looked around to see that they were the only ones in there.

"So I see everyone high tailed it out of here pretty quick." I said looking around at the trashed front room.

"Yeah when I pulled up I seen a lot of people running out saying something about them not cleaning up." Steff said.

"Only because John screamed at everyone to get the fuck out, and if they didn't they would have to clean." I said still being yanked on.

"What are you guys doing?" Sara asked looking at us funny.

"Going upstairs to clean." Steff said lying easily.

"Well don't you think you guys need some bags?" she asked.

"We'll be alright." Steff said pulling me up the stairs.

"Stay off my bed!" John yelled up at us.

Steff pulled me into one of the spare rooms. He picked me up and threw me on the bed which made me scream out. He climbed on top of me grabbing both my hands in one of his and pulled them above my head. I started jerking around and tried to get loose.

"What are you doing?" I asked laughing but still tried to get free.

"Apologizing to my girl." he said bringing his face so close to mine that my eyes went crossed. I closed them so I didn't look like a dumb ass, and just laid there feeling the weight of his body on mine. The feel of his breath on my face was intoxicating. 

After a few minutes of just sitting like that I opened my eyes to find him just staring at me. "What?" I asked feeling self conscious.

"God your just so beautiful." He said running his fingers down my face making me smile.

"Oh please, you have to say that because your my boyfriend." I said trying to pull my hands back.

"Whatever, you don't know what I have to do to all my friends just so they don't try hitting on you and their my friends." he said looking pissed off.

"Is my baby getting jealous?" I teased.

"Not jealous, just making sure they keep their hands to them self." He said kissing the side of my neck making me wiggle. He did it again only this time licking up my neck to my ear.

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