Chapter 9

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Jessica's picture off to the side! LOL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Blane's POV

What to do, what to do. Man I have no idea how I'm going to stay away from Allison. I have about a half an hour before I usually pick her up for school. You're not supposed to be thinking about her. I told myself for like the 15th time this morning.

I pulled on some loose jeans and a white t-shirt. I tugged the sleeves away from my arms. Man I didn't realize that changing was going to make this big of a difference in my arms. I feel like the Hulk about to rip out of his shirt. I mean, I knew I was going to fill out a little more but damn I feel like I'm wearing a baby shirt now. I'm definitely going to have to pick up some new shirts I thought grabbing my keys and wallet.

On my way to school I decided to just drive by Allison's house. You know just to make sure she's not walking and if she just so happens to be I'll have to stop. I mean it'll just be a ride, being the good friend that I am I couldn't make her walk. Yeah keep telling your self that dumb ass, you know your supposed to stay back so you can find out if she's starting to like you or not.

Stopping at the end of her block I seen her jumping into Steff's car. Why would she be walking stupid, she has a boyfriend. He wouldn't make her walk knowing she may not have a ride. At least I got to see her even if she looked a little tired almost like she was up sick all night. I hope she's fine and nothing is wrong with her I thought making my way to school.

Pulling up at school I started looking around at everyone trying to find her. Man I'm supposed to try and stop thinking about her, but it just seems to be making it worse. Find something to keep your mind off her I told myself shaking my head. I spotted a group of girls talking, that's just what I need to distract myself. I walked over with a big fake smile and my new limp thanks to Travis.

"Hey beauties, you all talking about me?" I asked giving them a wink.

" Oh yeah Blane always." Jessica said laughing then she put her hand on my arm. My smile grew even bigger, oh yeah I could definitely get distracted.

"Wait if we're beauties then does that make you a beast. Because you are far from being a beast." Tiffany said putting her hand on my other arm. "Have you been working out? Your arms are getting huge." She asked running her hand up my forearm.

I saw Allison out of the corner of my eyes staring at us. Hum, maybe getting her jealous is going to work after all. I looked at Steff with a big smile only to see him staring at one of the girls I was standing with. What the hell? That little punk, his girlfriend is right next to him. And by the look on her face she seen him to. Bastard better not hurt her. I may not like them being together but I don't want to see her hurt. I'll rip his little head off.

I watched as she pulled her hand away. Yeah Allison don't take his shit. Smack him in the head, I thought laughing to myself. Allison then just left him standing there and went next to Sara.

Jessica came in a little closer. "So what time are you picking me up on Friday?" She asked batting her heavy make-upped eyes.

"What, did I just miss something?" I asked a little confused.

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