Chapter 22

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Blane's POV

My head was killing me and I felt like I couldn't move. I opened my eyes and everything was blurry. I tried to set up then I realized my body was upside down and I was just hanging there by my seat belt. I tried unlocking my belt but I couldn't seem to concentrate enough with how bad my head was hurting. I grabbed the belt and ripped it off which sent me crashing down on the roof of my truck. I sat there a minute rubbing my eyes trying to focus on anything that I could. I moved my hands away from my face and they came away with blood. Fuck no wonder I can't see, I thought ripping off my shirt and whipping off my face.

When I finally was able to see I started pulling myself out of the truck window. I stood up holding on to the truck trying not to fall over. I looked around hoping I didn't hit anyone and found a parked truck on the side of the road with a big dent and scratches all over it. I made my way over to it just to make sure it was empty and sure enough it was. Then I remembered why I was in such a hurry in the first place, Allison. I took off running in the direction of Sara's stumbling and falling all over the place. I probably looked like a drunk person, but I didn't care. Hopefully I don't get into too much trouble leaving all that behind like that but I can't just leave Allison with that psychopath.

I came upon Sara's house a few minutes later stumbling up the steps. Man when did Sara's house get so many steps I thought trying to make it to the door, it just seemed too far way. I tried staying on my feet but it felt impossible. I collapsed to the ground feeling the coldness of the concrete on my face. Man this felt good. I just laid there a few more minutes trying to get my strength back loving the coldness, when I heard foot steps. I didn't have the energy to lift my head so I just laid there until I seen feet right in front of my face.

"What the hell happened to you?" John asked crouching down beside me.

"I got into a wreck with a parked car." I laughed feeling light headed well at least I can still laugh. "And  I think I've lost a little too much blood."

"Well come on lets get you cleaned up so we can see how bad it is." He said picking me up like a baby.

"Oh my big strong hero." I said in a girlie voice.

"Do you want me to drop you on your ass right here." He said stopping. When I nodded no he took off walking towards the door again. I reached out trying to open it but I couldn't seem to get a good enough grip on it. John mumbled something and moved me so he could open the door. Once we walked in he kicked the door shut making a big loud bang. We walked towards the front room and and I caught Steff's scent. That little punk was still here. I let out a growl.

"Just stay calm, Sara said he's acting fine right now." John said as we walked into the living room. As soon as we did both the girls let out a scream but that's not what startled me. It was the fact that Allison was up against Steff's side while he had his arm wrapped around her. And she looked way too comfortable for my taste. I heard a growl creep up my throat.

"Sara go get some stuff to help clean Blane up." John said as he walked us into the kitchen and sat me down on a stool by the bar.

"Did you see that shit, she was all over him like he was still her boyfriend. And here I thought we were together now." I growled out. I can't believe she would do something like that we had just slept together and now she's all over her ex. The one that put his hands on her, the one that about killed her and her dad by setting her house on fire. Sara walked in carrying an arm full of stuff ready to help clean me up and where was Allison, in the front room all cuddled up with someone other then me.

The Unaware Mate (Watty Awards 2012)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant