Chapter 13

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Blane's POV

Sitting around the house most of the day was getting boring. I woke up late because I couldn't sleep after dropping Allison off last night. I tossed and turned most of the night, and when I finally passed out I had bad dreams about her rejecting me. That's the only thing I can think of the reason she was acting the way she did. I wanted to call and talk to her but I was too scared, so here I am lying on my bed thinking about how I fucked up every thing was when my phone went off for the first time today. Hoping it was Allison I jumped up off my bed and ran for my desk tripping over something on the way I ended up falling right next to it.

"Fuck" I yelled out trying to grab my phone before she hung up. Finally finding it I answered it with out checking who it was.

"Hello Allison, is that you?" I asked not even waiting on a reply I just keep talking. "I'm so glad you called after last night, I just figured you needed some time and space. I'm so sorry I couldn't keep my hands to myself. And man you just felt so good. I hope you didn't think I was trying to turn you down I never would, I just have some very important news for you. I know I should have told you when I first found out." I paused a minute to catch my breath.

"It's ok baby I understand I feel the same way." Said a scratchy voice. "I want to fuck you too." A rough sounding girl said.

What the hell. "Are you sick from getting all wet last night?" I asked wounding if she had bronchitis or something she sounded horrible.

"I'm all wet right now." She said coughing. "Fuck dude I don't know how women talk in such high voices." John said laughing. "And what the hell were you talking about?"

I just sat there not knowing what to say. Did I just spill all that to John I thought rubbing my head.

"Hey man did you really mess around with Allison?" He asked. Fuck I did tell him. "Dude it's cool I don't think her and Steff are going to be together for much longer anyway."

"Why?" I asked very curious after a long pause.

"Oh your still on the phone lover boy, thought you hung up there for a minute."

"Shut up and just tell me." I said getting a little irritated with him calling me lover boy.

"Okay man, damn I was just saying after last night with Steff and the way he was acting with Jessica I know its not going to take long for Sara to tell Allison about it."

"Why, what happen?" I asked.

"You know how I said Steff's been acting funny well last night I don't think he gave a shit at all, because after you and Allison split, him and Jessica ended up all over each other right in front of everyone. Sara was pissed. I thought she was going to freak out on them. They even left together."

"Well I did kind of just leave her there. She probably needed a ride home or something."

"Shit more like something, dude he called this morning trying to give me details until Sara hung up on him." He said laughing. "Sara's really starting to hate him."

"So you think the rumors about him and Beth are true too?" I asked figuring he'd probably know if anyone did.

"Oh I know those are true, I had to listen to all the nasty shit he did to her." John said sounding disgusted. "Anyway, what's up with you and Allison?"

Fuck I was really hoping that he forgot about that. "Dude it's just so fucked I don't even know were to start." I said. Then ended up telling him everything that happened from my birthday up to last night.

"Fuck man that sucks, you should of told her from the beginning for sure though. Sara said something about you guys the other day, she said she had this weird feeling every time you were both around and she said she caught you both staring at each other too, I just thought she was just looking too much in to it. So what are you going to do?"

The Unaware Mate (Watty Awards 2012)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora