Chapter 2

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Picture to the side is Blane.>>>>>>>>>>

Allison's POV

Sunday sucked just as much as Saturday. I didn't want to get out of bed because the pounding of my head so all I did was lay around all day. I tried to get some homework done but only fell right back to sleep.

Monday came around and I felt a lot better. My head didn't hurt as bad, but I still had a pretty big knot. So I decided to go ahead and go to school. Blane was the one who usually take's me to school, so when the clock hit 7:35 I grabbed my phone and text him to hurry up so we weren't late. I got a 'yeah yeah' in response but he showed up a few minutes later.

When Blane and I pulled up in his truck at school I got a glimpse of Travis and finally got to see how bad he looked. From what everyone said I thought it was just going to be a fat lip and a black eye but he looked bad.

"Man you guys really did a number on him." I said jumping out of Blane's truck.

"That was all on your boyfriend. That's the only reason we stepped in and got them out of there before Steff really hurt someone." Holy crap I couldn't believe how bad he looked. Not only did he have a fat lip and a black eye but the rest of his face was all bruised up with little cuts here and there. Man I can't believe Steff would hurt someone like that. I couldn't help but to stare until Blane pushed me in the direction of our friends.

I didn't say anything, just walked across the school yard to where Steff, John, and some other friends were standing around talking about what happened Saturday night.

I walked up to Steff and put my arms around his neck while pulling him down to give him a kiss.

"Hi." I said after pulling away.

"Hey babe."

When I turned around I noticed a couple of new faces in our group that were also giving me dirty looks. I recognize both of them as skanky cheerleaders who were giving my boyfriend way to friendly looks for my taste.

I just tried to shake it off then I noticed Sara's new hair. Instead of having blue high lights she had pink ones.

"So I see you dyed your hair again." I said pulling on the ends of some pink hairs.

"No they're just fake hair extensions that clip in your hair." she said showing me were they clipped in.

"Pink huh?" I said wrinkling my nose. I was so not into pink.

"Yeah you should get some they are doing it for breast cancer awareness right now, that's why they are pink." she said giving me a smile.

"Oh that is so stupid. Why would anyone want to do that to their hair." One of the skanks said. Sara and I both turn around ready to go off but I was the one who open my mouth first.

"Just because you don't give a crap about anyone but your self doesn't mean that we all are self absorbed fake bitches." I said getting pissed off wondering why they were even over here in the first place. What, just to stare at my boyfriend and try and make a move on him? I don't think so. I was about to say something but Blane came up and put his arms around the girls pulling them off toward the school, saying something about how good they both looked today. The girls just giggled and smiled up at him. Just before they walked into the school he turned his head to looked at me then made a sour face and rolled his eyes at the girls.

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