Chapter 27

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Allison's POV

It's been about a mouth in a half since everything happened at the abandoned house. I never told anyone what really happened between me and Steff and I don't think I ever will. It's not really something that I would like to tell people especially now that I feel the need to go visit with him at the hospital and see how he's doing. And with the fight that I'm having with Blane right now its not helping.

"I said your not going end of story. If I can't be there with you then there's no way in hell I'm letting you going there by yourself." Blane said grabbing my purse for like the tenth time since I told him I was going to see Steff.

"Your not my dad, so lay off." I yelled going into the bathroom and slamming the door. I've been on the edge a little lately and we've been fighting a lot. Well I guess that really i've been the one fighting, he's had really good points but nothing I would admit to. I felt like I've been pushing him away but really it's not me it's just ever since that night i seem to want more of his attention and he's never around to give it to me. I know it's not really his fault because if were not at school he's with Alpha Tom learning how to handle being an Alpha. I feel selfish that I always want him around but I never say anything and it just builds up until I snap.

Which really sucks because he is always so sweet no matter what I find to snap at him about. I felt tears come to my eyes and my stomach started to hurt. I took a couple of deep breaths and then started feeling bad for slamming the door on him. So I open the door to apologize when I found him sitting on my bed with his hands over his face.

I walked over and wrapped my arms around him as I buried my face in his neck. "I'm sorry I've been a jerk lately." I said rubbing my lips across his neck. I felt him shudder and pull his hands away from his face wrapping them around me waist.

"I'm not trying to fight I just don't want anything to happen to you again." He said rubbing his hands up my back as I kept my face buried in his neck. "Fuck, it just seems like every time you're around him and I'm not there something always goes wrong and he puts his fucking hands on you. Like I told you before I'm not going to let that happen again." He said as he started to shake.

I pulled back away from his neck to look down at his face and with the anger I seen coming off him. I almost gave in and told him that I wouldn't go. (Almost) "Babe his dad said he's doing much better now and it's been over a month. They have him back on his meds and everything. Plus there's staff everywhere so I don't think he'll get the chance to do anything." I said giving him a few pecks on the lips then started to pull away.

He tightened his grip on me. "Why do you even have to go." he said knotting his eye brows together and frowning.

"Because he was my boyfriend for over two years and at that time he was a really good friend. And just because something happened that he had no control over doesn't mean I should stop being his friend over it. What kind of person would that make me?"

"I know, I know. I'm not going to win this conversation am I?" He said rubbing a hand over his face. "Promise that after you leave you'll call me so that I know everything is alright." He looked up giving me sad eyes.

"I will baby, don't worry. It's all going to be alright." I said giving him a reassuring smile and then brought his lips to mine. It started out with just a little peck then he grabbed the back of my legs and pulled me on to his lap making me straddle him and moaned into my mouth. We haven't had sex since the first few times but its only because I don't feel right after what happened with Steff and can't bring myself to sleep with him yet. He never pushes me but I can tell it's starting to get to him. He tried deepening the kiss as he ran his tongue across my lips I opened my mouth on reflex only because it felt so good and ran my tongue along his. He sighed and tightened his grip on me even more as he started moving my body up against his. I broke the kiss to breath but he didn't pull away he just keep kissing down my neck. I let him for a few more seconds until he started up my shirt with his hands. I jumped down off his lap with a smile on my face before he could get to my chest.

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