Chapter 26

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Allison's POV

I couldn't seem to wrap my head around what was wrong with me. I tried getting up but it seemed to take too much out of me every time I moved. My body was sore in places it shouldn't be and then it all hit me at once I wasn't at home in my bed. I popped my eyes open to see an old dirty broken ceiling. Holy shit I'm still in the abandon house. I sat up as quick as I could and looked for Steff but he was no where in sight. Now's the time to get the hell out of here I thought throwing my legs over the side of the couch, but I just sat there looking at my bare legs. Yes bare legs.

Oh my god he didn't. I felt like I couldn't breath as the tears came to my eyes and spilled over. My head started to spin and I thought I was going to pass out and throw up all at the same time. Now's not the time for this, I told myself trying to stand but I got a sharp pain in between my legs that made me sit back down. Come on Allison you can't just sit here and wait for him to come back, no telling what he'll do when he comes back.

I got to my feet shaking, still holding on to the couch as I bent down and picked up my underwear and pants. I tried putting them on as fast as I could but I was shaking too bad and struggled with doing that one simple thing. It will be okay just keep clam and you'll get out of this I told myself as I finally got my pants on.

I looked around trying to find a quicker way out but the front door was boarded up from the inside. So I took off in the direction of the window we had crawled into. I heard a sound coming from the room off to the side of the front room that I knew I had to pass on my way to the window. I paused trying to listen for the sound again but nothing came. Just to be safe I tip toed my way to the door but stopped when I heard the sound again. Okay Allison your probably just working yourself up it's probably a mouse or something. I shook myself to clam my nerves and peeked my head around the door frame. I choked on my scream when I seen Steff sitting in the corner of the room crying only in his boxers.

I covered my mouth and slowly started walking backwards hoping he didn't notice me. But Steff didn't seem to be paying attention to me even though I had a feeling he new I was here. I was about out of sight when he let out an even louder sob and started hitting himself in the head.

"Why, why would you do that to Allison!" He screamed out. I covered my mouth trying to muffle the sound that came out when he screamed. I was scared out of my mind. I stood there in shock as he hit himself in the head repeatedly. "You should have never touched her in that way. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this. She found her mate just leave her alone, you've already done to much." He said between sobs.

His body started to shake with his crying and the sounds coming out of his mouth made me start to tear up. He seemed like he was fighting with something well beyond anything that was going on between us and it was sad to watch. My tears were coming out uncontrollably now and my heart began to hurt for him. He may have had done some unforgivable things to me but it seemed like it wasn't even him at the time. And right now all I want to do is run up to him and put my arms around him and tell him everything was going to be okay.

"Allison I'm so so sorry, he did it. I tried making him stop but he's getting too strong. Every time I fight him it seems like I lose more of myself and he takes more control. I would never push myself on you or any women for that matter. You weren't even conscious but it didn't stop him from taking advantage of you." He said with his head still buried in his knees.

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