A new beginning

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A large bronze dragon sat near a pool of clear blue water, it stared into the pool watching the world that he has created.

The dragons name was Notch, god and creator of all life.

Notch raised its clawed paws and removed a jewl from the golden bracelets around both of his wrist.

One was a golden sun gem, the other a silver moon crescent gem.

He dropped both jewels into the water and watched as it turned a bright silver. Notch lowered his head and breath out a puff of golden fire over the water. He slowly scooped up some water with his front paws and breathed more fire on it.

As the water evaporated Notch watched 7 black spheres of black mist float up from the water. He grabbed the spheres in his claws, he had five in his left while two stayed in his right.

He flapped his wings to carry him off the ground and over the pool and gently Notch placed each sphere in his claws in the pool.

"Everyone deserves redemption" Notch said grabbing the jewels from the water.

He stared at the moon jewel, ".....redemption.....when will you redeem yourself"

Our Protector (hardcore quest fanfic/CA Sequel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant