Battles to come

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"You have to admit the kid is a very talented mage" Stampy said to the golden king who nodded, "Yet we have a single problem with that". Sky raised an eyebrow, "That is". Stampy sighed deeply, "Sky no one in our army is a magic user, we can't find someone who can teach him or even be with him". Sky groaned remembering how his army lacks mages, "And your here to remind me that the most powerful mage beside my father is our enemy" he said making Stampy shake his head. "Sky we need mages and fast" he yelled, "What about Jin he's a mage and well our only one", Stampy dug his claws into the stone floors, "I don't get a good feeling from that mage, something is dark about him. Maybe someone else". Sky sighed, "We don't have a chance Stampy, beside I trust Jin he wouldn't do anything to betray me". Stampy sighed and mumbled that's what you think, "Listen cat all my allies betrayed me for that squid so I can't really do anything right now, guard bring in the young mage". Stampy sighed, he never liked Jin he always felt that something was off about that mage. He seemed to interest in dark magic, a form of magic that is forbidden, outlawed. Placing a young mage under his teacher ship is well in his words dangerous, it's like placing a child with a psycho, the child will so mimic that people around them.

"Alright kid" Sky said snapping Sky out of his thoughts, "You'll be under the training of our mage and a friend of mine. He'll be your mentor". Ddawn sighed deeply, "Though my father is a better mage I'll agree with thus". Sky chuckled, "Like you have a choice kid, besides my father is the best mage in Minecraftia. Follow me". Ddawn rolled his eyes and followed the golden king leaving Stampy alone, "O stars I have a bad feeling about this" he said before padding after them. Ddawn was not excited but he knows he has no choice but to obey the king, he may be able to hold his own but Sky has the ability to kill him. "Relax, the tension is thick around you" Stampy spoke out trying to get the young mage to relax but it didn't seem to be working, Sky sighed to himself mentally before pushing the door open to his castles library. "Jin", Ddawn watched as someone walked out of the large shelves of books. He did seem to be about Sky's age with a head of black hair, he was wearing a purple cloak on top of his long sleeves white robes. "What's with the kid" he asked making Ddawn cross his arms, "Jin this is Ddawn, since we have no mages I'm putting you in charge of teaching him". Jin crosses his arms looking at Stampy and quickly saw the felines glare, "Sure I won't mind having a student" he said shooting the glare back in the felines direction.

"Great, show him around will you. I have ton of work to finish" Sky said pushing his glasses up his nose, "Yeah yeah I get it" Jin said holding a hand for Ddawn to shake, "Names Jin kid". Ddawn shook his hand, "Ddawn and don't call me kid". Sky took his leave mentally mumbling to himself since he was buried with work, Stampy hissed at Jin before walking out of the room. Jin watched the ginger leave and turned back to Ddawn once Stampy's tail flicked out of view, "So kid what kind of magic are you into healing, fire, water. You get what I mean". Ddawn gulped, "We my father taught me magic but I don't know what category that would fall under" he said making Jin nod in understandment, "Same kid, come on I'll show you our room and then we can discuss things there in more detail". Ddawn nodded and silently followed the purple mage to where they would be staying, it was a decently large room with a small bookshelf in the far back. There was a desk filled with ton of books, papers and maps. "Not the cleanest but I live here" Jin said picking up the books on his desk.

Ddawn picked up on of the papers but couldn't read the large amount of scribbles on the blank sheet, "I think I was drunk while writing that" Jin said with a chuckle before stacking his work in a neat pile. "What are these papers" Ddawn asked throwing away the one in his hand, "Well I've been looking more into our history and found something that could benefit the army" Jin said cracking open one of the books. "It's called the tome of knowledge, it said to contain the history of minecraftia and was written by the god of knowledge himself" Jin said practically bouncing up and down with joy. "Hopefully if I find it, we can find something to defend ourselves against those dragons. I remember hearing stories of mages who would enhance warriors weapons so they can pierce ender dragon scales" he said now catching Ddawn's attention, "Iron and gold only scratch the surface of those armoured beast and not even diamond can do much damage to those dragons, so you can see how we have trouble with them". Ddawn mumbled something remembering Nightingale, "So far nature hasn't been much help since it hasn't rain in a while and were in the middle of summer so we can't use snow against them. Now do you see why we need this" Jin said. "Yeah I can see that this army is in pretty bad shape" he replied, "Then you understand. Sky says I shouldn't meddle with the gods and no one seems willing to help me search". "I guess since your my teacher I guess we can both search making Jin smile, "That was the plan kid, now enough talk. Let's go get you some armour fitted and then find something to eat". Ddawn chuckled, "Sure thing, as long as I don't look stupid". Jin held back a small laugh, "Love your spunk kid". Ddawn smiled lightly, this wasn't so bad. He could get use to this.

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