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"Tell us a story please" Don pleaded as he tugged at the mages cloak, Dres stopped him by picking up the smaller fox demon. "Never Hero alone, he's tired" the vampire said making Don whine loudly as Duni copied his actions, the pug is better and has learned a few words. The only sign that he was ever sick in the first place was his left front paw that has lost its color and looked like a patch of white paint was splashed on and never removed. Dres had no signs of the sickness like the pug but he was still a little weak. "Were going to bed now" Dres said to the mage who was half asleep on his desk, Hero has no been sleeping well for the past week so he was always tired. Though Ddawn says it's normal because he's looking after all five of them Dres can't help but feel sorry and makes sure not to bother him too much.

"D I wanted a story" Don whined as Dres carried him to his room, Duni following and holding onto Dres's hand. "Hero is tired and he needs sleep, we do too" he said putting Don on his bed, they all shared a room together. There were two bunk beds and Dashlie and Ddawn take the top bunks while Don and Duni take the bottom bunks, Dres takes the burden and sleeps on the floor between the beds. He really doesn't mind because he usually sleeps in trees or sometimes upside down from his vampire genes, Hero joked that he'll get him a coffin on day. "He can tell us a story tomorrow" Dashlie said from her bed as she was fixing her blankets, she grabbed on of the stuff toys she owns. One was a stuffed pig she named Willam, another was a stuffed lion named Leo. Some lady on the street gave her William while Hero gifted her Leo one day, she loves both to death and can't sleep without them.

"Come guys lets sleep" Dres said about to put the candle out before getting a whine from Duni, "The moon and stars will be out" he said as he blew out the candle. The pug was afraid of the dark, Duni tried to get comfortable as he looked at the half moon through the window. "Hey guys tomorrow is valentine's day" Dashlie said, "We should do something for Hero" Don said in excitement his tail wagging. "Like what" Dres asked as he looked up at Dashlie who looked down at him, "We should get him a bunch of flowers" she said making Duni bark slightly. "I mean he is technically our father now, guess it won't be so bad" Dres said making Dashlie smile, "So we going with my flower plan" she said making everyone nod. "Good I found a big meadow with lots of pretty flowers" Dashlie giggled lying back down, "Is he really our father" Don asked making Dres nod.

"Why else would he keep us" he said making Don tilt his head, "I guess you're right" he said. "Can you all go to sleep" Ddawn groaned making Don giggle and hide under his blankets. Dres chuckled and did the same and soon he drifted off to sleep. Duni was the last one to sleep as he stared at the moon, the pug tilted his head seeing a pale white shape, he could barely make out a pointed face and about five ghostly tales. Duni knew what the animal was called but he can't remember its name, the pug shrugged it off and fell back asleep.

Hero by now forced himself to stand and lay on his bed, the mage yawned loudly and just laid on his bed. He looked out the window to stare at the moon and bright stars, Hero sighed deeply and grabbed his pillow from under his head and hugged it tightly. His wings stretched for a bit before resting to his sides and the mage soon drifted off to sleep, the same ghostly white figure poked its head from the window to look at the mage before vanishing in the slight breeze. The creature reappeared far away from the home, it was a ghostly white fox with blue eyes and five tails. The fox looked at the house once more before taking a few steps back and vanishing into the darkness, it's eyes turning a deep red before it completely disappeared into the shadows with a loud snarl.


When morning broke Hero forced himself to get up, though he was still tired he knew he was a parent know and had to do parent things. The mage didn't know why he was so tired all of a sudden and he knew it wasn't' because of his sleeping habits, Hero was almost naturally nocturnal and can stay up for long periods of time without getting tired, he almost classifies himself as a night mob though he never sleeps during the day. He usually sleeps when the moon is half way in the sky and wakes at the break of dawn, he sleeping pattern isn't the problem. Hero yawned softly, he'll think about it later. Hero stretched his wings tips curling slightly as he softly opened and closed them, Hero put on his normal cloak before walking out of his room yawning softly.

"Morning" Don chirped hugging his leg, "Morning" Hero yawned softly. "You still sleepy" Dashlie asked as Hero nodded softly and stretched again to wake up his tired muscles, Duni barked softly making Hero chuckle. "Right right I forgot you understand english so well" he said ruffling the pugs fur making Duni whine softly but his tail wagged slightly showing that he enjoyed this attention. "Right let me make breakfast and we can begin your lessons" Hero said making Duni bark and Don smile as he held onto the mages leg, Dres watched them from a distance as Dashlie poked his cheek making him groan in annoyance. She's been doing this for a week now and it's starting to get on his nerves.

Hero picked Duni up and fixed his messed up tuft of fur, he teaches the children different things based on their skills. He teaching Don and Duni basic language and math since their young, Ddawn has a talent for magic so he's teaching the robot what he knows while Dres needs to learn how to fly. Dashlie is a mix of all but she's a fast learner so Hero is teaching her how to care for Night breaker, they still need to grown before he can teach them how to hold a sword. He set the strict age to age 10.


"You write it like t-h-e-i-r when your talking about something that belongs to another person while t-h-e-r-e is when your talking about a certain direction" Hero said writing both forms of the words on a paper and holding it up. "Why is it spelled two different ways" Don asked as Duni chewed on his pencil, "I don't know" Hero said giving the pug something else to chew on, apparently he started teething and won't stop chewing everything in the house. "Duni can you say there for me" Hero said to the pug who now chewed a toy, "Say there" Hero repeated sounding out the word. Duni tilted his head and barked loudly, "Close enough" Hero said petting his head.


"The main ingredients of a potion is nether warts and whatever ingredient you add after will determine the effect of the potion" Hero said as he opened his journal and set it infront of the cyborg. "A potion of healing is made from glistering melon which are known to grown in bright places" he said pointing at the picture, "while a potion of regeneration is made from a ghast tear". Ddawn nodded as Hero pulled a current potion of healing from his chest, "The color of the potion will first define its use but sometimes potions look almost identical so you'll have to be able

to spot the difference"


"Your species is know to glide on the breeze but vampires are able to fly almost like birds" Hero said helping the vampire spread his wings, "Though you'll need a light breeze to help you take off" he said opening his own larger wings. "Show me what you can do", Dres nodded and tried to flap his wings but flinched slightly but continued to flap his wings till he stopped getting tired. "Not bad but you need a powerful downstroke to carry you up from the ground and to keep you in the sky, though you'll need the winds help more than me since your wings are meant to glide not fly. Though when you grow you will be able to fly" Hero said said he flapped his own wings enough to lift him off the ground. Dres could feel the strong force of the mages wings as he hovered over him, "Now let's try again".

Our Protector (hardcore quest fanfic/CA Sequel)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum