Dashlie and Winter moon

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"Jon may I come in"

"Moth wing?, is something wrong. " he looked around, "Where's Dawn he isn't hurt right". Moth wing sighed deeply her ears falling back, "Jon...Dawn has fallen". The she cats voice faded as Jon looked at her in disbelief, "No you're joking...he..he can't be dead" Jon voice trailed off as Moth wing looked down some tears seen in her eyes "I'm so sorry Jon" she said making Jon look down. She wasn't lying, Jon fell to his knees and broke down in tears as Moth wing put a supportive paw on his back. Jon felt like his world shattered, memories from Hard landing flashed back in his mind, those demons, Ddawn and the dark days that were his imprisonment. "I-I thought....you would stay with me" Jon cried loudly. Why did this happen to him,


A white faded shadow, "Who are you" Dashlie asked as the pale white lioness stalked around her. Her black eyes scanning the young demon before stopping in front of her, "I am power dear and I could give it to you" the lion said her voice echoing in the darkness. Dashlie flinched as the lioness rear on her hind legs, her front resting on Dashlie's shoulders. "What a scar you have" she said placing a ghostly paw on the scars on her face, Dashlie pushed her away and grabbed his white hair to hide the ugly scars on her face. "There is no need to hide those, those are a symbol of power and many will fear you if you only listen to what I have to offer" the lioness said backing up, "Just follow me" she purred softly. Dashlie reached a hand out about to follow her till a loud growl made her freeze as another animal stepped out of the pitch black darkness, different from the lioness. A wolf, her fur glowed silver from the stars in her fur while her eyes glowed a bright silver and she was a sight to behold. The lioness growled her tail lashing as the wolf snarled, "Dashlie" the wolf spoke looking back at her. "Either follow her into the unknown or stay with me", her voice was gentle and soft making Dashlie look between the star wolf and lioness. "I can give you power" the lion roar while the wolf stayed silent, Dashlie watched as the lion stalked into the shadows but Dashlie lost her temptation and stayed with the star wolf.

"Dashlie" she spoke looking at the soldier, "I'm glad to finally met you". Dashlie was shocked as the wolf gave a slight bow, "Who are you" she asked making the wolf raise her head. "My name is Eldura", "Nice to meet you" Dashlie said making the wolf chuckle softly. "Do those scars hurt dear" Eldura asked as Dashlie nodded slightly, "Kneel down, I'm not gonna hurt you" she said walking up to Dashlie who in turn kneeled down to her. The wolf pushed her hair away before lightly pressed her muzzle against the wounds making Dashlie hiss in pain but the pain quickly left. "Better", "A lot thank you" Dashlie said hiding her once more as Eldura smiled before turning back into the darkness. "I really loved your father you know" she said making Dashlie snap her head in her direction, "You know my father Hero" Dashlie asked as Eldura nodded before walking a few steps the darkness fading and being replaced with spots of light. "Hero....oh Hero how I loved that man" she said, every time his names left her lips it was filled with deep admiration and love, "How I miss him". Dashlie followed the wolf, "Were you two in love" she asked making Eldura nod, "Yes we loved each other very much, we got married, had cubs. I wish my life didn't come to a sudden end right after starting a new one".

(Eldura sings the song above in this part)

Dashlie looked at the wolf, she never remembers Hero mentioning a love or special someone in his life though he always spend him valentine days sad and alone but Dashlie thought that was normal. "My God, my heart beats faster! And my mind is racing. Could it be...? Could it be that you've come back to life?" Eldura hummed softly as she sat down looking at the star lit room. "I know those eyes, following me. Dark and familiar, and . I know that face, strange though it seems. Younger and kinder, it haunts all my dreams" she sang, Dashlie sat next to her listening to the she wolves song, "How can you stand there, a whisper from me? Yet somehow, be so far away?, In eyes once familiar, a stranger I see. With so many words left to say". Eldura took a deep breath and shook her head, "This man is dead, he is no more. He died a little each day. Like a thief, the Château d'If has stolen him away. The mind plays tricks, You are confused.The man you seek is long gone". Dashlie listen as the she wolf changed her tone from soft singing to more rough tone almost as two voices battle against each other, "Dead and cold. A story told, by , those he loved, and those who then...moved on". Dashlie paid close attention to the lyrics, they seemed to grab her attention no matter how much she tries to pull away at the sudden chorus of voices

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