Hello darkness

109 5 4

yes the title is a meme


"Here you go two blaze rods, do you need anything"

"No that's all thanks for the favour Shelby" Ddawn said to the redhead, "No prob D, see you later" she chirped as the red mage nodded and walked off. He held the blaze rods tightly in his hands before going back to his room and putting the items on his own desk before looking through the cabinets. Ddawn pulled out a large bowl and a bottle of water, he looked over at his mentors messy desk and sighed deeply, the purple mage left a few hours ago to attend a war meeting that was taking longer than expected. Ddawn made a mental note to get more potions from Alexa before placing the rods in the large bowl and pouring in the water, a loud sizzling noise echoed through the room as steam rose from the bowl as the water evaporated from the heat. Ddawn used his hand to fan the steam away and once it was clear, he looked in the bowl to see a now glowing powder. He grabbed a flask from his desk and a funnel before tilting the bowl lightly pouring the dust in the funnel which soon lead into the flask. Ddawn pushed a wooden cork on the top, blaze powder even though in this weakened state can still leave a nasty burn. Ddawn crossed blaze powder off his list before placing the flask in the cabinets, the young mage yawned lightly but jumped as the door was kicked opened.

"That meeting took longer than expect", "Do you have to kick the freaking door down" Ddawn yelled making Jin chuckle. "Anyway I got the last thing we need" the purple mage said pulling out a flask filled with a dark purple liquid, "So i'm guessing we finally captured an enderman" Ddawn asked. "About time to, those things are tricky to catch but we made sure this one couldn't escape" Jin said referring to one of their war prisoners from the previous battle, "Got the blaze powder" he asked making Ddawn nod and point at the cabinets. "Great then we leave tomorrow to find the tome" the purple mage said placing the flask in with the other ones. Jin walked over to his desk and picked up all the notes, "Items from every species alive, blood of the night stalkers and the feather of an angel". Ddawn opened his mouth to ask a question but stopped seeing Jin pull out a golden feather, "Sky's wings loss feathers every month so getting this wasn't hard" he said. "You sure that's what we need" Ddawn asked making Jin shrug, "We'll see once we find the destination but were stilling missing something". Ddawn looked at the notes, "What is it, we seem to have everything" Jin shook his head "The translations say something about a key, a magical gem stone more precisely but I haven't been able to find anything in the library about it". Ddawn sat down on his bed starting to ponder the question himself, "Gemstone, you sure its a stone".

Jin stood up and opened the book pointing at a rough sketch of what people assume the tome looks like, "It seems to be a gemstone, what else could it be". Ddawn tapped his fingers together, "Well it could be something else that's round but how are we gonna find a stone that no one even knows about". Jin groaned and slammed the book closed, "All this work for nothing just great" he yelled making Ddawn sigh and lean his head back till it rested against the wall. "Umm Jin, who are Sky's parents" the young mage asked, "I don't know he never told me" Jin replied cleaning up his desk. "Does anyone know", "Maybe Mitch since he and Sky seem close ever since the whole betraying the team thing". Ddawn rubbed his head, "Do you think he'll mind if I ask", "I really don't know kid" Jin said as he organized his papers together and putting the books back in the shelves. "Well I'm going to get lunch, see you in a few" he said getting up and walking out of the room, great all this work and no answers about that key Ddawn thought. He and Jin spend most of their free time for the past half year collecting all those items to open the area where the tome is located only to find that it was all for naught. Do you have any idea how hard it was to figure out what to collect from a certain mod, he can name a few. Gunpowder from a creeper, ghast tears from well a ghast, ender eyes from enderman and wolves fur from well wolves. Every mod had something different to collect and it took months to figure out what has to be collected, some were simple while some weren't so simple. He and Jin had to collect salvia from a feline not just any feline, every feline species out there. Do you know how hard it is to hold a large cat down to just collect its drool and then go find another feline and do the same thing. The worst part was that they had to do it alone because Jin doesn't want Sky to know about their little mission.

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