1k special thing

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Well we reached a very important mile mark, 1k I really never thought we would get here but here we are

Well I usually do something were j explain everything that happened so far as well a give you all information with our spoiling the plot to much and my playful shit post

So here we go, enjoy

Battle strategy from last chapter

More if a distraction that full blown fight

The dragons will keep the people in the castle distracted by landing in the courtyard and breaking the wall

Fire wall will be short distraction, once wall breaks charge and injury those who fight

Once target is free retreat

500 men

30 wounded

0 dead

Moon army

I will rank each kingdom in this army to show how powerful and important part they play

1, must have army
2, second best
3, some flaws but still good
4, bad and can hold it's own for a wa while
5, worst, not winning war material

Kraken and the squid kingdom 3
Easy to travel in aquatic spaces
Travel fast then most armies by using water sources
Doesnt need much food unlike others
Need water every few hours
Land travel is not their strong hold

Tiger claw and the United clans 3
Large warriors with great skill of battle
Fast learners, know how to easily turn someone's batkke style agaisnt them
Great speed and strength
Very agile, powerful
Great stalkers
Can be used as mounts if needed to
Have great knowledge of the terrain and herbal medince
Quick hunters
Great sense of hearing,sight and smell
Armour will slow them down and many have not allowed to be armoured making them easy to kill if not prepared
Need large amounts of food and water
Know to distrust other species besides their own

Ty, Brice and the end, 1
Dragon scales are hard to peirce
Ability of flight, teleportation and fire breath
Quick and agile
Both night and day mobs
Ender dragons
Dragon mounts
Weakness to water
Unable to travel through snow or even touch snow
Large resources needed to met dragons need
Dragons dont trust other species

Seto, Jason(trueMU) and the nether 3
Know for their knowledge
Large amount of mages
Fire magic experts
Large shipments of potions and medical supplies
Day and night mobs
Withers, ghast and blazers
Weakness to water
Ghast are glass canons
Wither can only be controlled by royalty but most aren't tamble

Cory and the Delta kingdom 4
Powerful fighters
Naturally able to work together
Delta wolf genes
Uni, Cory,Nick and Ashlie (strongest fighters)
Large lands are able to produce large food shipments
Sturdy and swift horses
Knowledge in combat
Equine fighting techniques
Small kingdom, slow production
Small armies
Young kingdom, not knowledgable in war
Bad army
Outdated weapons and armour
Badly trained army

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