Echos of war

176 9 5

Things are about to get serious


"Go now, take this to Lord Kraken. We need backup" Ashlie yelled giving the ender dragon the scroll that contained every information in this base, "Go Nightingale" she yelled as the female ender dragon looked at her rider. Ashlie smiled lightly and kissed her muzzle, "We'll hold up for as long as we can but please fly like the wind". Nightingale backed up before taking to the sky, her powerful wings carrying up into the night sky making Ashlie look at the dragon before stumbling slightly as the sound of tnt was heard. The red head took a deep breath before unsheathing her sword and walking back to where most of her army was waiting for her orders, Nick looked at her worried but Ashlie gave a reassuring smile as she looked at the soldiers before her.

"This fort will not fall, not while we breath and stand her tonight" Ashlie yelled making her soldiers cheer loudly, "For the Delta kingdom" she yelled as a lion leap to her side, "For Night" Nick yelled loudly making warriors roar back.

"Please hurry Nightingale"


"There is always some delicious fruit over here" Duni said as he lead Dory through the forest, the archer has recovered already since he didn't have an severe wounds like Dommy. So Duni decided to take him with him to get some fruit, Dory was happy to go along knowing the Duni posed not threat to him or his friend. "So is he like your biological father or", "No he adopted us, me and my siblings come from different mothers" Duni said. "Wow that's pretty cool and amazing at the same time" Dory said while Duni smiled his tail wagging slightly, "Yeah we love each other but love or father more for all he did for us" he said making Dory smile lightly. "I'm glad to know that there are still people out there we can count on" he said making Duni chuckle lightly. "Come on the fruit trees are somewhere around here" he said taking Dory's hand making him blush lightly as Duni pulled him around, Duni stopped suddenly and looked around. "What is it" Dory asked seeing nothing in the trees, "Do you hear horses or is it just me" Duni said sniffing the air. "I believe it must be a wild herd" Dory respond making Duni shrug it off, "Your probably right".

Though right above the thick tree branches right above the two a battle of speed and wits was happening, the same ender dragon from before was trying to lose the soldiers on her tail. She can't die here but leading enemy soldiers to their base is something she can never do, but she can't seem to lose Sky's best soldiers and now she's running out of options. Nightingale did a 90 degrees turn in air and breath out a large blast of dark purple fire from her jaws making the soldiers on their mounts side step the dragons fire breath the crashed into the cliff side. "Damn it does this thing not give up" Max yelled as Nightingale roared loudly before flying higher into white clouds as the few warrior cats he had in his team looked around warily for the ender dragon. "Maybe she finally got away" Ross said to the ginger who growled in frustration but a yowl from a warrior made him look up to see the dragon dive bomb them and grab the large feline in her claws before flying up again. The feline tried to claw his way out of her grip but his claws barely scratched the dragons tough scales, Nightingale dropped the warrior below knowing the fall will surely kill the traitorous feline but the dragon roared in pain as an arrow pierced the weak skin between her wings. The dragon tried to rip the arrow out but another well timed shot hit its mark, right between her wing joints. Nightingale felt her injured wing quickly give up on her, she was unable to keep herself in the air any longer and she soon plummeted to the earth below like a heavy stone. A sickening crack was heard as she crashed into the cliff side before tumbling down and landing in the heavy forest below, crashing through thick tree trunks.

"How do we reach her" Max asked as Ross shrug, he did all the shooting, He was surprised with himself when he land that lucky hit that brought the messenger dragon to the earth. "We'll get the message" a warrior by the name of Mist fur said as he and two other felines started scaling down the cliff side slowly but surely, they were built to live in these types of rocking conditions so scaling this thing was a piece of cake for them. But even that loud crash held consequences for even Duni and Dory head the noisey descend, "it came from this way" Duni said dragging Dory through the brush before they both found the injured ender dragon female. She laid completely still almost looking like she was dead but the faint rising and falling of her chest told Duni another story, her left wings was bent on an awkward angle while her right wing was under her large black and purple body. "I-is that a-", "That's an ender dragon" Duni said almost shocked by the sight. "What is it doing here" Dory gulped while Duni looked at the injured dragon, "She looks hurt maybe we can help her" he said taking a small step forward but the snap of a branch made Nightingale's eyes shot open. Duni froze as the dragon raised her head and tried to stand up, she snarled seeing Duni and Dory and roared loudly making them both back up. Nightingale narrowed her eyes and let out a blast of purple fire, Duni grabbed Dory and them both fell to the ground managing to dodge the fire.

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