My fault

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I decided not to sleep, it's
Get read for spelling mistakes
"Will they be okay" Don asked the mage who looked at the fox demon, "Don listen to me and listen closely, for the time being you can't get near them alright. You'll get sick and we don't want that" he said. Don nodded softly as Hero softly ruffled his hair, "you'll all be together again soon, i promise. Now go get some sleep" Hero said as Don purred softly. "Alright but..... I was wondering. Can you possible read us one of your books since I can't read" Don said softly making Hero chuckle, adorable.

"Alright, let me check in your brothers and I'll see you there" Hero said as Don's eyes lit up and his tail wagged happily, "thank you father" he said running off leaving a surpised mage. Father, where did he get that idea. Though Hero would never admit it being called father made him feel happy, he did miss his children and his wife.....He knows he'll never reunite with his beloved.

"So did he say yes" Dashlue asked seeing the fox, "he said yes" he yelled in exitment. "To bad Dick and Duni are sick" Ddawn said as he sat on the couch, Hero moved them to sleep in the living room while Duni and Dres each took the two rooms. "So what book is he gonna read us" Dashlie as Don began looking through the self, "how about this one" he said. Don pulled out a surprising thin book with a golden cover, the cover had a pair of golden and white dragon wings. "It looks cool" she said as she took the book and flipped through the pages, it had a few pictures but it was in another writing so she couldn't read it.

"Alright I'm here, what am I reading" Hero asked walking in, "This one" Don chirped holding the book up. Ddawn couldn't help but notice a small look of shook and sadness on the lages gave but it disappered quickly. "Alright then, if this is what you want I guess I have no choice" Hero said taking the book from the fox demon. He walked over to where Ddawn was sitting and sat down on the floor, Dashlie sat next to him while Ddawn looked over at the book from the couch. Don who was more daring climbing into the mages lap, Hero chuckled softly at his eagerness.

"What's the title called" Dashlie asked, "It translate to Angel prince" Hero said as he opened the book to the first page.

Long ago when humans barley roamed the earth there were two dragon twins. One Endronic the first black and purple ender dragon, the second Aries the golden and white dragons twin brother. Both brother loved each other and were always looking out for each other and their people.

One day Endronic was greatly wounded in battle with three humans, the dragon managed flee. But he we soon discovered by one of the humans that attacked him, but instead of finishing the job the young human helped the dragon. He removed the arrows in his hide and healed his wounds with potions and magic. Endronic was so grateful that he was in debt to the young mage yet he rufused.

Weeks later Aries was so wounded by other and the same mage healed him like his brother. As Aries recovered the two devolped a bound

a friendship

a kinship

They have become the best of friends.

The two brother so grateful to the mates kindess show the mage the wonders and beauty of the night.

As time went by Aries and the mage became brothers in a way and when the mage left his family he was treated happily by the dragons who saw him as family.

But as time went one a sickness appeared, it spread like a wild fire affecting mobs and animal bloods. There was no cure and everyone who catches it died in a week or less.

The mage fell ill

No one expected it but he somehow fell ill

Aries not caring if he got sick stayed by his friends side till the mage asked from a final wish.

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