Darkness cries

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I'm back from my hiatus and I've been taking some classes for writing plot elements and some writing tips. So I hope you enjoy this chapter

"Its been to long since I've been in control" Ddawn said a tinge of disgust in his voice as black magic spark at his finger tips. His red slit like eyes narrowed at the sudden thought of the ancient mage who was his father figure for years, how long has it been since they've been like this, he remembers the newscape idiots looking much younger but now they look mature. Like there adults but how they were teens before, how how in the name of corruption was this possible. Yet out of these nagging thoughts came one burning question.

"Who is this Herobrine"

"That is non of your concern"

Corruption's voice suprised Ddawn, he didnt expected the God to be listening or even respond.

"When I was around this burning aura of power of authority was always around him, yet I could never read him. Who is he truely master"

"Herobrine was a student of mine in the dark arts well would of been if Notch didnt interfere. But that is not for you to worry, you need to find the rest of your siblings and bring them back to me. I'm sure the spell I've given you will suffice"

Ddawn snapped his fingers black lightening sparking, "it will and the new power Dawn gave me is a bonus. Honestly you spoil me at times".

"You are made from his soul, his power is your power. Now be a good boy and fetch the rest"

"As you wish, I do miss my siblings" he said with a twisted smirk.


Dres was on his end with this war, this was a mistake. His sister is scared for life, his brother is fighting agaisnt him and he has no idea if Don is even alive. But something has changed his allies opinion of his family, his allies once so kind now avoid and treat him like a demon. Rumors of his family being demons, the reason why they look like the Delta kingdom generals, it couldnt be true.

He and his family are innocent...right?

"Dres are you okay?"

The vampire blinked a few times looking at the enderman next to him, the worrying expression in his purple eyes said it all. "Stargazer I'm honestly okay" he spoke softly but the mob refused to belivie him, "no your not your acting like the king they say their fine when your not". Dres sighed, it was true everything was bugging him, where was Hero to come and and clean this mess up for them. "...this was a stupid idea, I should've of just stayed home"

Star gazer grabbed his hand making Dres blush lightly, "tell me the truth, were allies". Dres gaze soften no matter he always felt a sense of calmness from the enderman, "I don't know what I am anymore, I joined this war to help my siblings..but I have no part of this war". This war wasnt his to fight, "I dont know what to fight for, whos right or why I'm even fighting for in the first place!". He shouted in frustration everything was confusing him, stay strong for your family, but what about his feelings. No one bothered to asked him his opinion, he doesn't belong here, what is his purpose here...

"I know your confused Dres but most of us didn't join on a whim as well" Star gazer said squeezing his hand, "I was drafted into the army as well as many others, your not alone even I'm not so sure what I'm fighting for". He sighed softlt, "non of us do anymore but we can find out over time". Dres closed his eyes before re opening them, Star gazer did have a point some things aren't ment to be. "Yeah your right" he said as the enderman smile, Dres returned the smile he held back a chuckle seeing a light purple blush dust the enderman cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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