Do we have a deal

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"What the hell is happening"

"The gods are angry!!"

Silver stream was confused with all the yelling around her, the cold metal chains around her paws dragged on the ground as she tried to peer out of her cell to see what the commotion was but she couldn't see anything in the stone halls. "Something is wrong out there, I can feel it" she said walking back to the back of her cell, "What's going on out there Silver". The she cat turned to look to see Ashlie in her cell next to her, "I don't know okay , everyone is panicking and I can't tell" she said. "The moon blocked out the sun" Nick said trying to show that he was calm but in reality he was also panicking inside, "In the name of the stars" Silver stream gasped as Nick looked away. "What in the world is going on" Ashlie said wrapping her arms around her self shivering softly, "Stars give us protection" Silver stream prayed. Something was wrong.


"Speak mortal"

Jin almost flinched at the gods harsh tone, his voice boomed off the empty walls and soon vanished into the darkness. "I-I who are you" Jin asked his voice shuttering as he held on tightly to Ddawn who groaned in slight pain, the dragon snarled baring its white fangs that practically glowed in the darkness. "I am the god of darkness, I am the darkness inside all of you, I am Corruption the god of darkness and chaos", Jin breathed heavily trying to calm his heart beat down, it was pounding so hard he was afraid it was gonna burst out of his chest. "So it's true, you really are a god" Jin said softly making the dragon pull his head back into the darkness, Jin didn't dare to move once the dragon vanished. Soon the darkness around them disappearing now revealing a large room. A large mirror made of black glass was on the other side of the wall while books were neatly stacked on the floor and a large pile of riches and diamonds laid in the corner. "Welcome to my realm mortals" Corruption growled making Jin look at the dragon, he could see pure white shackles around his ankles that glowed with powerful energy. Those shackles were attached to the floor, Corruption walked over to his mirror his chains dragging on the floor. As the dragon sat down the mirror glowed a dark purple, "What knowledge do you seeck" he asked looking back at the mages. Jin had to calm himself down and stood up still holding onto to Ddawn, "We are looking for something to take down ender dragons" Jin said making the dark dragon put on claw paw on his mirror.

The mirror shifted from purple to black before a few books for his piles floated over to the dragon, the dragon examined the book before picking one out and giving it the purple mage. Jin slowly reached for it, the examined the cover before opening the book to reveal it packed with writing and spells. "I don't know all of these spells, this is-", "Dark magic" Corruption said his eyes not leaving the purple mage but his focus still on the red one, Jin flipped through the pages and stopped seeing one that caught his attention. "Dealka vestia gondo verion, banish the light and summon the dark. Nightly spirits of death I summon though to pay your debt", "A spell used for necromancy, with this spell you may summon the spirits of those who fell in battle near you". Jin gripped the pages, "This is amazing...whats the catch" he asked making the dragon chuckle, "You are a smart one most don't ask for one but there is non, as long as you can possiste my power you can cast the spell but enough about spells" Corruption said walking past the mage and looked at Ddawn who stared back up to the dragon. "I wanna know more about this one" he asked making Ddawn's breath hitch as the dragon put on claw on his face, "He just showed up one day, knows a couple of spells and that stuff" Jin said to focused on the book in his hands to realzied the dragons true intention. "You show lots of potinetal Ddawn" he said making the mage freeze, "H-how do you-", "You opened my book, you found the and I are similier. And that is why I am offering you this" , Jin looked up at the dragon who put his claw down. "I can give you power that you both can never image and all i want in return is to see the world again", "Wait what" Jin asked making the dragon turn his head to the mage.

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