Choose your path

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The large silver pool rippled making the golden dragon stand up and look over the reflection, his amber eyes widen in surprise seeing water changed from a bright silver to an amber gold. "How interesting, I've always was curious why people choose to follow me or Irene. What do you believe my son", Hero looked away, "Why do you do this". Notch looked at the mage and walked over to him putting a huge paw on his shoulder, "We can't do much they have to choose, will they follow the moon like you have or fight for the sun", Hero looked at the dragon god who went back to the pool. "Beside they are your children, you and your siblings may have had good relation but once you choose to follow the moon, everything you knew was gone" Notch said splashing away the image with his paw, "Who said they won't follow in your footsteps and betray their own, the question is who will break away from the moon". Hero sighed and gripped his cloak tightly, "I just hope their ready, I know what will happen, you showed me".

"Follow the moon or follow the sun....what will they choose".


Silver stream's eyes shot opened as she looked around her, something was up. Her ears stood erected on her head and jumped hearing a loud bark, they have been discovered. Red tail seemed to have heard it as well since his eyes shot open, "Did you hear that" he whispered quietly to the silver feline who nodded softly. The damp scent of the cave seemed to block out any other scents beside the still strong scent of blood that hung in the air, "We need to leave now" she hissed getting to her paws while Red tail looked around, "I'll find a way out, you wake the others" he said running off into a tunnel that he hoped lead out of this cave. Silver stream watched his red tail disappear into the darkness before she went up and nudged the sleeping dragon with her paws, Nightingale opened her eyes and stared at Silver stream. "We need to leave" she said making the dragon yawn and stand up, as the dragon got her saddle back on her back Silver stream ran quickly to everyone else waking them up. "What the hell is going on" Dres yelled but was silence but Silver stream putting a paw to his mouth, "Shut up you idiot or you'll get us all caught" she hissed making Dres snarl, so tempted to bite her paw with his fangs.

"Just get your stuff and let's get moving or would you all rather spend the war in a dungeon", Dres narrowed her eyes and pushed her paw away. When Red tail returned Silver stream can now hear the soft click click of a dogs paw, "Come on this way and move it" he whispered as he ran back into the tunnel with silver stream following. "Duni, you and Don get on too Dory" Nick said making the archer gulp as he was helped on the dragon, "Take care of them" Dashlie to the dragon who nodded and followed the felines. "I'm fine" Dommy said feeling Ddawn stare at him, "Come on before we lose then" he growled following the four legged animals down the hall. Dres grabbed Dashlie knowing that she can't see in the dark and held onto her arm as they ran down the stone tunnel, Dres slid to a stop seeing that Dommy had stop. "Shit" he cursed seeing the problem, the exit was at the edge of a cliff face, he saw Silver stream easily jump the gap and land on the other side and looked back at the others. "I can't fly" Dommy yelled as she jumped back other and looked at everyone, "Dres grab someone and fly them over, Nightingale can easily make this jump. Raven get on my back, Ddawn get onto top of Red tail". Ddawn looked at the large feline, "Are you sure this will work" he asked as Silver stream nodded. Nightingale looked at the three demons on her back before jumping the ledge and landing on the other side with a huge thump.

"You drop him you're dead meat" Dres snarled at Red tail as grabbed Dashlie by her waist and opened his wings, Ddawn took a deep breath as the large feline kneeled down allowing Ddawn to climb onto his back. Ddawn tightly gripped his white fur as Red tail backed up into the tunnel, "Duck your head" he growled before taking a running head start and bunching his haunches before leaping over the gap with no problem. "Come on!!" Silver stream yelled at Dommy who growled at her, "Would you rather die then" she yelled making Dommy looked over but he took his chance and climbed onto the silver feline. Silver stream was about to jump but was taken back when an arrow struck the earth where her paws were, she snarled seeing the figure in the dark. The scent told her it was an enemy and she didn't hesitate to jump over the large gap just a large white dog ran at her. As Silver stream felt earth under her paws she looked at everyone else, "Move it!!" she yelled running into another narrow tunnel, "Hold on tight raven this could get bumpy" she said to Dommy. "You heard her" Red tail yelled as Dres who nodded as he followed Red tail and Nightingale with Dashlie, Dres stopped in his tracks feeling the rocks shake under his feet, everyone felt it. Nightingale used her wings to block the ones on her back from the rocks the feel from the ceiling, Dres did the same with his own wings as he held onto to Dashlie.

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