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Cory looked around making sure no one was around, Uni managed to get him out of todays war meeting and man is he glad about that. "Tom where are you" Cory whispered looking for the troll, "Right here Carl" Tommy said appearing out of nowhere like a ninja. "Don't call me Carl, listen dude I have a job for you" Cory said making the assassin push his mask up to reveal his face, "Go to this location and look out for our doublegangers" Cory said handing him a map with the marked location. "Dude aren't they dead" Tommy asked opening the map, "Somehow their alive and one if the warriors spotted them, we are at a risk of being dead soon". Cory sighed deeply rubbing his head, "Tommy Tiger claw barley trust us, we all have some ties with Sky, do you really think he and Kraken won't hesitate to kill us". Tommy sighed and opened the map again, "Fine I'll go and see what I can find out Carl" he said opening up his wings to represented an owls wings. "Tommy don't hesitate to interfere if needed and also try not to be caught, we don't want an incident from last time" Cory said making Tommy nod. Cory watched as Tommy pulled his mask back down and pull the hood of his green cloak over his head before taking off into the sky.

"Be careful"


Dommy hissed in pain, "You know if you stay still this could go smoother" Hero said as he bandged up the raven's wound, "I'm sorry I don't trust someone I just met" Dommy hissed making Dory sigh and shake his head. "Stop being a child or I won't help you" Hero said shoving a potion of healing in his hands, "Now drink up if you want the pain the subside" he said making Dommy grumble and chug the bottle down. Dommy coughed harshly feeling the burning sensation of the strong potion, "Slow down those things can hurt your throat" Ddawn said as he was dressing Dory's minor wounds. "Anything else that hurts" he asked making Dory shake his head, "I'm okay and thank you". Dory smiled lightly, he had a few bruises around his neck but he didn't have an major injuries like Dommy, "You did well" Hero said using his wing to pat Ddawn's head who groaned loudly, "these are minor wounds do you really think low of me father". Hero chuckled, "I'm just teasing". Dommy put the now empty bottle down and tried to move but flinched feeling a stabbing pain when he tried to move his wings. Hero walked over and gently took his wings in his hands making Dommy hiss blush deeply, "Tell me if this hurts".

Hero softly but firm ran hands down his left wing tugging at it slightly making Dommy look down, he hated when others touched his wings not only were they extremely sensitive but these things were his pride and joy. Having a stranger touch them was like having someone slap him in the face, Hero moved to his right wing and instantly Dommy groaned in pain. The mage ran his down the wing, "Okay that really hurts" Dommy hissed trying to move his wing out of his grip. Hero saw the rigged movement and he knew that wing was broken but just in case he felt around the base of the black feather wing making Dommy hiss, "Stop it hurts" Dommy hissed. "Can you feel this" Hero asked, "Of course I can!!" Dommy yelled "Sure it faint but it hurts". Hero let go of his wing, "Can you tell me what happened or how you were injured". Dommy sighed deeply, "This asshole cat ambushed me, he clawed me in the side and grabbed my wing with his jaws and shake me around before biting down hard enough that I think my bones broke".

"Thank you" Hero said grabbing the items he needs to make a cast for the wing, "Ddawn come over and help me, his wing is dislocated as I suspected and we need to pop it back into place. You need to move his other wing as I pop it back into place". Ddawn nodded, "Wait your gonna do what!!" Dommy yelled flapping his uninjured wing in distress. "Sorry but this is for your own good" Hero said as Ddaw grabbed Dommy making the raven hiss and fight back.

"Do you think we should come back another time" Duni asked hearing the shouting from the otherside of the door, "I think we should" Don replied as they both walked away and into the living room. "So you just found these guys" Dashlie asked Duni who nodded, "They seem trouble" Dres hissed making Dashlie roll her eyes, "You think everyone is trouble". Duni chuckled softly, "she has a point Dres, you always think everyone is trouble and that there gonna get us". Dres scoffed and opened his wings to show he was offended, "Don't blame me for trying to keep you all safe" he growled lightly making Dashlie laugh lightly, "See you always get so offended that it's funny to watch". Duni and Don quickly backup seeing Dres glare at the albino, "Why don't you say it to my face then" he growled making Dashlie stand up, "Mister grumpy pants" Dashlie said flicking his nose. Dres snarled loudly, "Children calm yourselves no need for fighting" Hero said walking in just in the nik of time. "Puh she started it" Dres growled as Dashlie stuck her tongue out, "those wings better be out for flying not for offensive" Hero said making Dres groan and fold his wings back on his back.

"Are they okay" Duni asked making Hero nodded, "Our guest are okay, Ddawn is currently cleaning up. Duni can you and Don bring food to our guest and Ddawn". "Okay" Don said said grabbing Duni's paw and dragging him to the kitchen, "now as for you two" Hero said looking at Dres and Dashlie. "Will you two try to get along, you only have each other and as much as you won't admit it you're both nothing without each other. Believe I know how it feels to lose your siblings" he said making both Dashlie and Dres looked at from each other, Hero rolled his eyes if he can. "But in reality these two guest of ours show no threat even if they were fully healed they won't be able to do much damage, I want they to be treated well in their stay. Got that", both nodded, "Good now get ready for bed, it's late" Hero said walking to his room. The mage waved to Duni who was helping feed the two demons who have arrived, Hero closed the door to his room and sighed deeply.

It wasn't him to notice the aura those two carry, it was similar to Duni and the others and now Hero is wondering what connection these two have with his adopted children, are they related or are they some race that went exist years ago, so many questions so little answers. But one thing that still bothers him is the nightmares that Duni still has, he doesn't have them as often when he was a pup but he still has that and the main idea of those nightmares is the black dragon he sees. A black dragon that tries to catch him, Hero has tried looking for that black dragon in his notes but none of his notes say anything about a dragon in the shadows. He feels like he seen this dragon before but nothing seems to be triggering his memories, if he can't remember then why does his memory remind him of this dragon. Hero sighed deeply and rested his head on his desk.

He has more journals but there in his old castle and guess who is in his old castle, his son and his puny amount of allies. This war has been going on for almost 10 years and there still hasn't been a winner, Hero already predicts the Moon army winning, Sky barley has an allies and he hasn't had any victories in who knows how many years. Hero knows he can't interfere with the humans and he only does so when something drastic is gonna happen and so far this war doesn't need him to step in.

Even if he could he would still choose the Army of the night, he knows who has better motives and that definitely isn't Sky. 

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