How it all began

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(Note that this article is not meant to hurt anyone)

I just wish I had a time machine so that I could go two years back and change the decision that I took. Two years back I was a simple village girl. I never thought in these two years I would go through all this twist and turns. Who knew I would end up here in these hell?

There was an uncle named Subodh in my village. He was very friendly and helpful. He used to live near our house. After I completed my school, he said that I could go with him abroad to continue my further study and he could even manage a job for me. I thought it would be good if I could financially support my family . I readily agreed and so did my parents.

I was happy with the fact that I could finally help my family but somehow my heart didn't find it precise. I thought it was because I was leaving my hometown but later I realized that I made the biggest mistake of my life by taking that decision. And by that time it was too late. I had already left my village. At the first day he treated me as his daughter but the very next day when I mentioned him about the job, he slapped me and shouted,"Shut up." I was in a state of shock unable to comprehend why he did so. I ran to the next room and weeping and cursing him. He entered the room and came near me. I was terrified. I moved back whereas he caught me and threw me on the bed.

Then he caught my hands to the back of the chest and fixed it tightly with a shawl as I struggled to free my hands but I couldn't. I shouted for the earliest few minutes but after that he covered half of my face with handkerchief. The silence was filled with my cries. The cry bellowed on but the sole thing I could get in reply was only it's echo.

He slowly unbuttoned my shirt and those cruel hands slowly went from top button of my shirt to the jeans. The unclothed environment and next to him was the unclothed I. He played with my possessions. I screamed but it was worthless. I shuddered but my body never made it away from those brutal hands. He was getting pleasure from my tears. Well that day I not only lost my virginity but also my trust from mankind had faded away. He left the room leaving the dead me on the bed. I was alive but only for name sake. Then the very next day he sold me. That day I realized that the world is really very sophisticated and cruel. Since then I am locked up in these four walls. I am still living but only as a dead me. Only if I had never trusted that cruel animal I would have been living my life freely. I would have been free but all I am now is a 'prostitute'.

To be continued...

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Characters will be reveled as the story unfolds

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