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"Manik you have a melodious voice." I complemented as he sang the last line. But right then the light went. Oh god this light. Right then I felt Manik's hand on mine.

"Nandini don't go anywhere." He said tightening his hold on my hand.

"Don't tell me you are scared of darkness."

"No I am not scared instead I thought you are scared of it." Manik said.

"Nah I am not scared of darkness. I am used to it." I was used to this darkness. In brothel, I had to live in this darkness. People fucked me in this darkness. I still remember how they used to treat me. How they use to beat me, torture me in this darkness. I hate this darkness but I am not scared of it. A lump arose in my throat, thinking this. A tear escaped from my eyes. Right then the lights came.
"Thank god." Manik sighed, looking at me.
"Nandini why are you crying." Manik asked seeing my tears.

"Something went into my eyes." I made it up as I rubbed me eyes. He left my hand and covered the distance between us. "Let me see." He said looking in my eyes. He slightly kept his one hand on my cheeks and the other one on my forehead, sending currents through my body. He started blowing air in my eyes. I didn't resist. After a while he pulled away his hands and moved aside.

"Nandini tell me something about yourself." He asked breaking my trance.

"What should I say?"

"Ok let's play a game. See in this game I will ask you something in few words and u have to answer it in few words and same goes with me."

"Ok. You start first."

"Fav color." He asked.

"Black." I answered. "Fav food."

"Everything eatable thing." He answered. "Fav place."

"My village's cliff." I answered. "Umm.. Music."

"Second love." He said. Second love then who might be his first love. "Life." He asked breaking my trance.

"Sucks." I replied honestly, he just looked at me but didn't ask me anything. "Hate."

"Darkness." He replied making a bad face. So he was scared of darkness. "Stars."

"Brightness." I replied with a wide smile. My hatred for stars had drifted away and thanks to him. "Love." I asked.

"You." He replied. Love me. Does he.. But before I could think more he interrupted,"I mean my friends and u.. U too are my friend so.." He doesn't love you Nandini what are u even thinking. "Love." He asked.

"Friends and family." I replied.

"Except them." He asked.

"No one." I lied. I don't have the courage to tell him that I love him and he can never love me after knowing my truth. Right then the light went off once again.

"Manik am right here." I said, covering our distance. He held my hand tightly. "Manik you love stars and only in darkness stars can be seen then why are u scared of this darkness." I asked.

"Nandini stars reflects brightness in this darkness. But darkness is my nightmare. When I was small I accidentally got locked in a dark room and since then I hate this darkness." He replied tightening the hold on my hand.

"Manik just close your eyes and just forget everything." I said.

"Remember the times spent with fab 5, remember your good moments, remember your family." I said, caressing his hand.

I was keeping his mind occupied with my talks when the light came.
"Thanks Nandini." He hugged me saying this, sending jolts of current down my spine.

Right then we heard the door open.

The day passed by with rehearsals, lectures, classes and little teasing.

I was sitting in the terrace, writing my diary.

Dear diary,
We spent an hour in the storeroom and I didn't even realize how it passed by. I admit that I am in love with him but I don't have the courage to express it.

I was engrossed in writing the diary when bhai caught my attention.

"So my lil sister has finally realized her feelings." He said, sitting beside me.
I closed my diary immediately. "I have already read it. So it's worthless hiding it from me."

"Bhai but he doesn't loves me." I said.

"He tries bringing smile on your face. When you cry, he consoles you. When you are in pain, he too feels the pain. When you smile, he too smiles seeing you. He is always there for you. N you feel he doesn't loves you." He took a long deep breath."I know you might say even friends do this but Nandini trust me he loves you. He loves you a lot."

"Even if he does loves me, his love will turn into hatred when he gets to know my truth."

"Nandini True love are those which survive all the hurdles of life. Love is connection between two hearts. All that matters is the soul, not body."

"But bhai this world sees body first."

"Not everyone in the world is same."

To be continued..

Jhute chapal tamatar ande jo jo dena hae dedo but atleast jhute naye hone chaiye, tamatar ande pakke huwye hone chaiye

I know it was not that gud but next update something unexpected will happen so kammar kaslo..

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Aaku (choti express train)

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