Stars and fireflies

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After all the water and color fight all were busy dancing except for me. I was sitting at the corner and watching them dance but I would say they were not dancing their bhang was. Everyone drank bhang except for me but to my surprise Manik despite drinking bhang was in his senses. He came to me and pulled me to the dance floor. I just moved with the beats. The music was loud. Manik was trying to tell me something but I couldn't hear him. "Louder." I shouted but then he came near me and said it in my ears.
"Will you stay back for the camp fire tonight?"
"No idea." I shouted but my voice seemed to be low in front of the loud music. I went near to his ear. He bent down a bit.
"No idea." I shouted.
Right then Bhai pushed me. It was an accidental push but Manik's and my head collided.
"Oww!!.." I rubbed my forehead.
Right then I remembered my mother's saying. I slowly held Manik's head. He raised his eyebrow and again I hit my forehead with his. I could see the look of surprise in his face.
"My mom says if our head hits others head then we must do it once again other else horn will appear in our head." I said it in his ears. He laughed seeing my childishness.

The day passed by and I didn't even realize when it turned dark. Everyone decided to camp fire. So I too agreed to stay back. I was sitting beside the fire looking at the flames when I saw Manik lying alone on the grass. I went there and sat beside him. He was looking at the stars.

He realized my presence and spoke out,
"Nandini the stars are so beautiful. I feel that I can stare them for hours." getting up from the grass but still his eyes were stick to the stars.
"Manik they aren't that beautiful." I contradicted. "They just symbolize darkness."
"No Nandini just look at them...they shine and provide light in the darkness."
I hated stars since the day I was raped. That jerk raped me under the lights of these thousand stars. They are the proof of my rape. Everywhere there was darkness. I was crying and pleading but darkness surrounded me. I can never forget that night ...never.
"But for the stars to shine darkness is must and hence proved it symbolizes darkness." I tried convincing him.
"Nandini our life is full of ups and downs. Both happiness and sorrow knocks our door. We always desire for happiness but with happiness sadness also comes along." he paused,"But we don't give up and the one who does will forget to live his life. But still a ray of hope will always be there somewhere hidden inside which will gives us the strength to face it. Same is with the stars. They are the rays of light in the darkness. They are the rays of hope which says that darkness is not forever."
"Do you really think so?" I questioned still
staring at the stars trying to figure out what was so special about them.
"Hmm..." That was all that came in reply.

Silence filled the environment until Manik spoke out,"For the first time I saw this naughty childish side of you

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Silence filled the environment until Manik spoke out,"For the first time I saw this naughty childish side of you." I could see a smile on his face. Looking at me. "Why do you hide this side of you?"
"You know your smile is so beautiful." he looked at me. "I know I shouldn't be asking you this but I can't help it." He took a deep breath and finally spoke out,"What had happened in these two years that you completely changed?"
I just looked away trying to act normal but I failed miserably. My heart beat was increasing and shivers were running down my spines. I just got up to leave but I felt a hand grab mine. Without turning back, "Manik please leave." But he pulled me down and I sat just beside him.
"Nandini it's totally your choice if you don't want to answer...don't am not forcing you but please don't leave..I didn't mean to hurt you."
I nodded my head and laid down on the grass. Manik smiled as he laid down beside me. We were facing the stars but my mind was still stuck in that question. I should tell the truth to everyone but I just don't have the guts to say it.
What if they abandon me?
My mind was in a dilemma.
Right then I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw fireflies glowing.
I was galvanized and got up. I tried catching one but failed. I didn't give up. I kept trying and finally I caught one. I sat down beside Manik who was looking at me.
"Now where will you keep this." Manik asked.
"I already have one so I will let this fly."I replied as I opened my closed hands to make a way for the trapped firefly.
"Then why did you catch it."
"Because I love them."
"What's so special about them?"
"They glow and make the environment glorious and they are the symbol of hope."
He just nodded his head and we were again lost in our own world of stars and fireflies.
We didn't realize how the time passed by and I fell asleep. Bhai woke me up at about mid night. I then realized I was embracing Manik and he too was embracing me with his left arm. He was also in a deep sleep. Sleeping Manik looked so innocent. I was admiring him when bhai snapped his fingers and bought me back to sense. I didn't want to disturb him so I tried getting up slowly. But I guess he felt my movement and his sleep was also broken.

To be continued...

In the next chapter Nandini's truth will be revealed. So stay tuned.

Hope you liked this update.Don't forget to vote, comment and follow. Thank you for lending me your previous time.

Lots of love

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