Public display [Chapter 2]

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  Harry's P.O.V

 It was 10:00 I saw by glancing at the clock.The boys were already awake and didnt bother to wake me? I got out of bed and muttered sarcastically "yay another interivew i love those". Honestly,interview didnt care about getting to know us,all they cared about was getting juicy gossip or getting publicity for there show. I hopped in the shower for about 20 minutes and did my orignal rountine. I wore a dark blazer with a white v-neckand chinos and dress shoes. Me and the boys were still tired but we walked to the car. Me and Lou took a quick nap in the ride because it was so early. About time we got there managment had to shake us awake. We walked in  with about 700 girls screaming a ripping us up piece by piece while trying to enter the door. I smiled and laugh because girls were pulling Zayn's hair and he hated that. We were finally in the building and we sat down in order of Liam,Louis,Niall,Me,and Zayn. The interview people greeted us and we got on with the interiew.

  "Hello boys " The blonde old woman said in a britsh accent.We all said hello back .

"So how does it feel to come from being normal people in a small towns to traveling around the world"?.Zayn was the first to answer when he said " I think its absoultley amazing like the fans have just been there for us and we just all love them and they support us we support them".The rest of the interview was a boring interview because they all asked the same questions like all the rest of the interviews did. But then there was one question I just had to answer.

 "So boys any girlfriends or crushed". Liam and Lou both said "We both have girl friends ".Then the interview pointed to me and I said "Erm i would probally have to say Arianna grande-" When Niall interupted and said "Yeah shes hot " and nodded his head . I laughed and said " Yea we-we actually met her at a party last night and she's absoultey and amazing performer and she very gorgeous and funny". The interviewst looked shocked and said "So do you fancy her". I nodded my head and grinned in a low toned voiced "Yea  I fancy her" and laughed and clapped my hands. I also added in "Yeah i tried to work my moves on her but they didnt work i guess !because she didnt say anything to me so i had to make the next move and yeah i got her number". i nodded my head when the crowd cheered. "So do you think you'll ever meet up with her again". I rembered paul said dont talk to much about our personal lives so i said " Hopefully i mean she's a great performer and she great" i said touching my lip because i was nervous. They carried on with the interview and finally we got to go home.


Ariana's P.O.V 

     "WAKE UP WAKE UP" I heard slightly as i was rocking when Elizabeth was shaking me. I got  up and said "What " in my morning voice barely seeing anything because my eyes were half closed. "Harry Styles talked about you in a interview". My eyes shot wide open and she shoed the laptop in my face. I watched the video of the interview and screamed . I was so overwelmed.I immeditly didnt know how to take it. I grabbed my phone and I got a whole bunch of hate . Why? Im not even dating him. I ignored it because it was watever to me. I looked at Elizabeth and questioned "should i tweet him". She shot the answer fast and said"Yes yes yes now". She looked over my shoulder to see what i was tweeting him i tweeted  @harrystyles dont worry your moves worked haha :) . I sent it and twirled my hair around to see what he write back. It was 3 minutes later and he replied @arianagrande maybe next time im might use the tricki keep up my sleeves instead..xx. Me and Liz were bassicly fangirling. I replied  @harrystyles I would love to see them haaha :) . I thought to myself DID I JUST FLIRT WITH HARRY FREAKING STYLES. Me and Liz decided to take a picture and twitpic it . My hair was crazy from sleep and i was wearing a tank top and short-shorts . We took it and i made a crazy face with my mouth in a O shape and captioned it Arent we so hot when we wake up. We got 1000 retweets with a reply from @harrystyles i'd say so . I looked at my mentions and there were over 100000 people tweeting me "are you and harry dating". I laughed. I decided to call harry and said "Hey  Harry this is Ariana wanna meet up with Liz at a resurant"i said

"Hello Ariana nice to talk to you again and of course where at" he said in a deep but bright voice.

"Um at the peir"i said .

"perfect see you there". I  straightened my hair and put it in a poinytail with a little curl at the end. I threw on aa smiley face shirt that had bows as eyes with a nude-pink blazers and light pink shorts with studs on them and nude-pink heels . I grabbed my phone and Rayband Aviators and jetted out the door with Liz. 

    I was never the best driver I pulled off and looked at Liz in a guilty face "um how do we get there" i said trying to sound innocent". "You dont know how to get there i thought you knew !"

 " I thought You knew " i lied i already knew she didnt know how to get there . "Oops " i said with a small laugh.  

   *20 minutes later* 

  We finally found are way to the pier. I saw Harry signing a few fan's autograph books. I looked at him and smiled when our eyes met. The three of us walked down the pier when we saw the resurant. We started a convesation about hate I mentioned it but i told him it wasnt a big deal. We walked into the resurant and got seated right away. 

      "So hows your guys show going". He mentioned which i didnt want to talk about consediring my charcter was embarrsing. 'cat' was embarrsing."Good good were actually having a new season" i said gazing in his eyes . He flashed a smiled and nodded. He looked at me as I were beatiful .Liz added "Oh yeah I think we have 2 more season to go 3 maybe" she was unsure because she never listened when we had meetings. The waitress finally came and implied "can i take your order". I looked at her and she looked at me she litterally freaked out and said "OH MAH GOSH YOUR ARIANA GRANDE" I flashed  a smile and laughed and i said "how sweetie how are you doing". She couldnt controll her emotions and took at her phone and asked " can we take a picture-" and then she realised Elizabeth and freaked out . We took a picture and harry looked shocked. We ordered and she left.Me ,Harry and Liz decided to take a picture and i put it on twitter. I brought up the interiew again and said "So am i really as beautiful as you said harry " i said in sarcastic voice . We all laughed .He replied "Yeah babe of course". I laughed and twirled my hair. My phone starting blowing up with tweets. I didnt check them but i looked at the notifactions.The food came and we dug in. Harry and me got spaggeti and Liz got salad. I complemented the spaggeti. I mentioned " So hows your album going". Harry looked at me with mouth full of spagetti with some hanging out . He swallowed and whiped his mouth with a napkin and replied "Great great 4 millon people brought are cd". "No way " i replied. Me and liz clapped for him he smiled. 

  We all finished our meals and decided to walk around the Pier,but of course there were paparazzi around. I mean there just so annoying I usually just smile for them because i dont want to be rude because i was with Harry ...and Liz but she was behind because she wanted to stop at a boutique. There were already rumours that we were going out and this would make it worse. Harry grabbed my hand and he rushed me throught the crowd. We paniced so we went in a resturant and covered our face with menu's ."Smart thinking " i said as i slipped on my sunglasses. We saw that in atleast 10 minutes the papz werent there anymore . Liz came back up with us and now we were about to leave. I hugged Harry standing on my tippytoes saying "Oh my gosh it was so fun catching up with you again just call me if you wanna talk" i said anxiously. We all said our good bye and We went back to Liz's house.

Authors note: Sorry this is kinda shorter than the rest . Its 5:21 am and i havebeen writing stories yeah. So sorry this one kinda sucked expect one for tommrow ;)


Living in the moment  (harry styles and Ariana grande  hariana  fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now