Our day will come Chapter 28

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I looked at him as he gave me my soup . "Thanks" I said looking down at the soup.I feel like the soup represented my soul .There was too many diffrent things going on and their just floating their waiting for me to face them. "Is there something wrong love ?" he asked as he slipped a little too much of his alispe in that comes in the accent. "Uh yeah i'm fine" I said picking up the spoon I stared at the spoon and started to scoop it in and out of the bits and pieces of the soup.  I set the plate aside "I dont think i''m hungry" I said looking up at him. I didnt understand why I was acting like this. It would ruin Harry's thought to know that his 18 year old girlfriend might be having his child . There's so many good things going on right now why ruin it. 

   "Um ok that's um fine" he said taking the set of soup and crackers away from me and placing it on my night stand. He then jumped on my bed .Hey layed down next to me as he then started kiss on my neck . I stayed there like a sack of potatoes as he did not moving non living. I barely realized that was doing it until he went up to my mouth .Full on kissing me as I didnt out in any effort at all. He then laying on top of me as he started to makeout with me.I wasn't horny or in the mood.I grunted "Harry can you not i'm not in the mood" I said in a quiet voice. "C'mon babe " he said then calming down and getting off of me. 

It was more then awkward it was pathetic how I couldn't even look him staright in the face without feeling guilty. I dont even feel sane . I just want to scream in his face 'HARRY IM PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD' but I would never. I will sware until im dead in my grave that it's not his.

                        * 1 week later*

                I slumped out of my bed feeling worse then ever.Not physically but mentally. I wasn't sick but I felt like a bad person. I dont understand what type of emotion I was going through it was type of fog of depression that I couldn't see clearly. I haven't seen my mother in a month ,Liz has been M.I.A and I could potientially be pregnant. I rushed into the shower as the beat water hit my bare skin. Rubbing my body with the foutain of water and soap I know what I really wanted. I wanted to feel emotions again that I haven't been feeling for a while.Ever since the breakup I had emotion and then we got back together and I dont know what I want to do with him. It was the right thing for me . I got out the shower  as  I wrapped the pastel light pink towel around my body and one around my head. I haven't evenbeen doing much of my carrer and I also havebeen selfish of Harry'scarrer. I knew what to do and I loved Harry so much .

                  I dialed his number as I felt the long ringing . "Hello Harry this is Ariana" I said pulling a curtain of my red velvet hair backbehind my face. " Yeah are you busy because I think you  should comeover " I said putting the phone inbetween my ear and head as I got dressed trying to bundle into a pink sweatsuit. He agreed to comeover as I hung up and smacked the phone against my hand repiditly. I dont know why I was kinda happy about this but I was. 

  I went in my music room straightening up everything as I heard a knock on the door. My heart beating faster then a cheetah chasing it'sprey I ran down stairs not hesitating. Harry's bright smile and glowing eyes murked in the back of my head as I answered the door. Harry arived at the door with a smirk on his face as I kissed him deeply and passionatly acting like it was the last kiss I was ever going to have in my life. Our toungues fighting eachother off in a battle as he wrapped his arms around me. It was intimate and slow but precious. He walked me on the edge of the wall as he did not break the kiss. I pulled away staring at him as I played with his curles . I wanted to cry so much but I didn't .It hurt not to cry as I led him up the stairs. I led him to the music room as I placed a chair for him to sit. I sat down  on the Piano stool . "I'm going to ssing you a song and I really really want you to listen to the lyrics" I said calmy as I took the deepst breathe ever.It felt like I was going down to the bottom of the ocean . I started to play on my piano 'Our Day Will Come' by Amy whinehouse.

(song in sidebar)

Our day will come

And we'll have everything.

We'll share the joy

Falling in love can bring.

No one can tell me

That I'm too young to know

I love you so

And you love me.

Our day will come

If we just wait a while.

No tears for us

Think love and wear a smile.

Our dreams have magic

Because we'll always stay

In love this way

Our day will come.

Our dreams have magic

Because we'll always stay

In love this way

Our day will come

Our day will come

Our day will come

Our day will come

Our day will come

 . Harry sat their with with a confused face as he didn't seem to know what was going on. I threw out the words "Harry I'm breaking up with you".

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