chapter 8

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 Harry came finally and I opened up the door. He came in and wrapped his arm around me and looked down at me with a smirk. Harry was very tall compared to me. He gave me a quick but deep peck. I looked at him and closed my eyes and smiled as he kissed me again. We walked upstair to the living room. He looked around as he sat on the couch "so this is ariana grande's house". I climbed on him slowly as I eased up to get comfortable on his lap and kissed his nose. I turned my head a little  and said "so whatcha wanna doooooo" I said in a singy voice. "whatcha wanna dooo" he mimicked me . I gave him a quick peck and he did to me over and over. "I think your cute" I whispered to him as a touched his nose. He grabbed my hand and started kissing it. I put out my hand and said "do you like my nailpolish ". He looked at it and nodded . I just smiled at him for about a minute when I rembered and shot up "OH! i have something for you" I said as I went to the kitchen to get some cupcakes I made for him while I was bored . I came back in the living room and sat next on Harry as I handed him a cupcake. "Aww your so sweet" he responded while taking a whip of icing and putting it on my nose and laughing. I looked like an idiot trying to lick the icing off my noes. I watched Harry as he ate his cupcake as I started singing thinking about me by olly murs.  He loved Olly murs.

        "So wanna watcha film" he suggested. "of course I wanna watch a film Harreh" I said in jokengly british accent. He giggled and ruffled his hair.

   "can watch titanic" I said in a baby voice as I stood up by the tv facing harry. He said "no way why cant we watch a comedy" he suggested. I baby walked over there to him and laid on him and pecked him inbetween every word "baby ..pleasee... I" I said . "alright alright just get off me " He said smiling as he caved in. I walked to the dvd and it wasnt in there I made a sad face.

   Harry P.O.V

     Ariana's Dvd wasnt in there I didnt want to wath the titanic. It was sad and boring but anyways Ariana seemed frazzled today for some reason. I told her "its ok we can do something else". Suddenly she popped up and idea and said "we can make a cake " she suggested as she skipped to the kitchen. I followed her . She started taking stuff out from the cabinet. I watched her and smirked cause she obviously didnt know what to use for how to make a cake. She started to get the bowl and cracked an egg ,oh my god she needs assistants

 Ariana P.O.V

  No, no, no babe your doing it wrong!” Harry exclaims as I paused half way through cracking an egg and look up at him confused. “There’s a certain way to crack an egg?” I asked slightly perplexed as Harry sighs and takes the cracked egg from my  hand, chucking it into the bin. He then proceeds to place another egg in my hand, wrapping his fingers tightly around mine “Here, let me show you”. I let out a little laugh as Harry’s face contorts with concentration and he moved my hand gently forward and taps the egg against the edge of the bowl. “See! That’s how you crack and egg!” He said looking down at me with a grin, after he tipped the contents of the perfectly cracked egg into the bowl. I let out a little laugh and  tried pecked him on the noes. He drived away from my peck while he was whisking away then looked at me with the stare of death. I backed up a little as he did the whisking .   I then took out the flour when he yelled "not yet"! This is definialtley not a my favroite look on Harry. The batter was done and I dipped my finger and licked it. "What are you doin" He said in a whiney voice. I shrugged my shoulders .Harry was wearing a green beenie and I took it off trying to distract him. He did a quick look and went back to baking and said "Pleasee..please just go out Ill finish the cake" . I made a face and went to sit down and tweeted my boyfriend is such a control freak. OH MY LORD OH SHIT I thought when I realised I never told anyone I had a boyfriend. I also had an interview tommrow and I knew they would ask. All my mentions were blown up . Should I tell Harry ?lol no too many promblems any way. " Ok the cake is almost ready " he hollared.


*The next day* 

   I woke up to the sweet sound of my mother finally she was home. I opened my eyes and she was there "Hi mother" I said. " well get up at 3 you have an interview" she said,well a hello daughter that i havent seen in three days would have been good but ok. Thats the one thing about my mom is she isnt only my mom she's my manager ,and to her buisness comes first. I rose up out of bed and stretched. I headed to the bathroom getting ready for a interview. I sang thinking of me by olly murs because it was a sunny song. I let the warm water hit my body and I was suddenly awoken. I finished my shower and got dressed . I wore a dress with a sparkly half top and puffy light pink bottom of the dress. I curled my hair and put it up in a elagant pointy tail and wore my steve madden flats. I did my makeup and headed out the door with a cup of cofee in my hands.

    *1 hour later*

 I sit down on the couch next to the interviwest. The camera starts to role.

   "Hello everyone today we are here with Ariana grande" she says in a excited voice . I laugh and wave .

 "so Ariana were gonna ask you a few questiona dn your gonna say if its true or false" I started getting scaared when she said that but i nodded.\


   i:"you are not going to be on victorious any longer 


i:"you dyed you hair that color because of managment"


I:"your going coming out with a new album "

me:"umm true"

i:"You are dating the talented and famous Harry styles"

I blinked and laughed and looked around the stage "am i  aloud to say" im mumbled . "uh next question" I said with a smile. "no you cant do that on this game its either true or false" she said with a smile.

"um.. well me and Harry have been friends for a while and ..its..led on to other...things so um truuuee" I said uneasily ,Im dead meat when Harry finds out.

     When I went home alll I could think about is his managment and how they would react. I opened the door and there was my mom with her hands crossed and her tapping her foot. I tried to walk slowly past her until these words stopped "break up with him". What ? Is she serious I wouldnt break up with Harry for nothing "what?" I questoned. "Break up with Harr-" she repeated until I cut her off,"I ..I heard you .. you cant just tell me to break up with someone I love" I barked.She raised her arms and slapped them down " Exscuse me Ariana joan do you know what this will do to me two of my clients cant be dating !" she yelled. I yelled back as i was headed to my room " Well is that whats it about buisness did you ever care to think what I want oh yeah and im your daughter not your client your fired" I yelled as I slamed my door. 

    Harry's P.O.V

 I was actually shocked that she said are relashonship. I didnt want it to be a secret forever and didnt excatly want it to be out in the open but I guess it watever it already happened. I decided to call her 

   " Hey " I said in a fake exciment voice.

   "hi " she said in a dissapointed and sad voice.

 "whats wrong" I asked i was suddenly intersted in whats wrong.

"my moms being a jerk I just dont know what to do Harry  I made a mistake" She said as she started to cry.

" aw dont cry why are you  crying" I said as i giggled a little I dont know how to react when girls cry so I smile.

  "because I know you have managment and there going to want you to not be with me I should of just kept my mouth shut" She said as she cried more.

" Well I'll tell you what um.. Ill take you home with me and you'll sleep over my house until things cool down ok so pack your bag and I'll pick you up k babe" I said with comfort.

"ok " She said sniffling.

Living in the moment  (harry styles and Ariana grande  hariana  fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now