Chapter 5 ( mild mature)

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           *the next day*

    It didnt take long time for Harry to realise we were together.And it didnt take the boys alon either because Harry would babble about me ,which I though was cute. I texted Harry .

Goodmorning babe..x-ariana I typed to him.

He replied Hey whatcha doing today me and the lads were gonna go swimming.maybe you can sleepover ;)

Of course and ill inivite Liz  I replied. I called Liz 

    "Hey Liz" I said.

  "Hey whats up  " she replied.'

" well me and my BOYFRIEND are doing good hey can you comeover to Harry's with me for swimming and a sleepover

" I'll have to buy a new bathin- wait..did you just say boyfriend" she said in exciment .

" Yeahhhh !" I screeched. We both screamed. 

 "You can borrow one of my bathing suits but hurry over so I can tell you what happened".

 She hung up and 20 minutes later I heard a knock on the door. I answered and she screamed. 

"SO... tell me everything " she sugguested

 "Well ok Harry invited me to the bonfire and  I said your a great friend then he got mad and started yelling at me then we didnt talk for like a week then I went to his house and I kissed him and then he kissed me and then he told the boys and it was so magical"  I said without taking a breathe. She screeched and smiled and gave me a hug.

     We headed out the door and drove to Harry's house while singing in the car What  makes you beautiful. We finally got there and we knocked on Harry's big house. We were in our bathing suites outside of his house so his neihbors looked at us like we were hoes or something. He answered and wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me passiontley. I looked at his brown orbs and headed inside. It was big with marble floors and a wrap around stair case. He walked us to the pool and deck. It was huge. "well im gonna stay over here at the table while you hang out and swim. I was scared of big pools. Harry had a sinster look on his face and  picked me up and walked slowly toward the pool. I scramed and screamed and all the boys laughed "NOO NOO HARR-" I screamed until i was thrown under 6 feet of water .Harry already jumped in the pool . I swam over to him and smile and splashed water in his face.  I wrapped my arms around his neck ,and wrapped my legs around  his waist. I kissed and then realised all the boys had a smirk on his face when i questoned "WHAT?".  Zayn was trying to hold his laugh when a little laugh came out and he said barely breathing  " Harry swims naked". All the boys started to laugh when I swam away from Harry as quick as I could to Liam. Harry smiled and said "comeon over here". I shouted with a laugh "not till you put on some trunks". 

    * 1 hour later*

   Me and the rest decided to get out so we didnt become prunes. I said "Is there somewhere we can get changed" I said looking around the house. Harry had a slight grin on his face and said " Yeah ill join ya" he said while zayn reacted by punching his arm . Liam jumped in and said "sure comeone ". He took us to the door closest to  and Liz to the guest room. It wasnt the first time I was going to  see Liz naked . Liz took off her bra and I coulnt stand to laugh. I laughed so hard. She looked at me and laughed at my boobs.    I went over to her and punched her boob lightley. And about them we were giggling and wrestling. We finally put on underwear and an over sized shirt. I out my hair in a pointy tail and we walked out.

  zayn P.O.V 

 what were there doing in there were they ya know ? 

 Niall P.O.V

  they were naked playing aroundand I wasnt there.

 Ariana P.O.V

   We walked out and the boys all looked at us in a wierd way with one eyebrow up except for Niall he smiled wuth his nice straight perfect teeth. Zayn even asked "what were you two doing in there". Me and liz looked eachother and laughed.  Harry came up from behind me and took my hands and put his chin on my shoulder.I smiled and looked at him. I unleashed my hands from his and jumped on his back. He ran slopply to the Living room with everyone else.

          "NOOO HARRY PLEASE DONT DONTTTT DROP MEE" I said in a sqeely voice as i was starting to slide from his body landing on the floor.I dropped on the floor on my back while Niall picked me up and sat me down properly. Harry was laughing while I punched his leg. Harry sat down in the circle with the rest of us. Harry tried to sniggle with me on the floor but I was mad because he hurt my back. I nugged him off while he tried to wrap his arms around my stomach. I slowly took his hands off of me and looked at the grown. Harry said in a baby voice "whats the matter". I said in a  baby voice also "you hurt me " I said also trying to nudge him again.The baby voice was something me and Harry did . He was still behind me and he gave me a peck on the cheek and wrapped his arms around me . I kissed him back. 

      "Hey  lets play truth or dare" Louis said suggestly. Everyone agreed. I said "holdon" while I waddled like a baby to the kitchen to get cookies. I came back with cookies and I laid back in Harry's arm. I teased Harry with a cookie and put it to his face andtook it away. He would hold my butt so I can be closer so he can get the cookie easier. We started to play while I ate cookies .

  "Truth or dare Liz" Zayn said .

  "Uhhh truth" she said with hesitation and a smile.

" Is it true that you and Ariana were ya know in the naked" he said with a smile.

 She laughed and said "What friends dont hah" she said as I laughed then Harry pulled me closer to his pelvis. 

"Truth or dare Niall" She said in a curious voice.

   "Umm dare" he said in a stereotypical american voice.

" I dare you to .... wear a thong for the rest of the game" she said in a devious smirk.

We all laughed when I voulontarily said " I have one " as I raised one ,when Harry interupted and said in a questonable voice "you have a thong ' as I got up. Niall looked worried. I went in the room and went in my bag to only take out a hot pink victoria secret thongs that had across the but dont tease me. I walked out while laughing and handing Niall the thong. I patted his back and he headed toward the room. While we Harry held my  hands from behind and pulled me backward  while sitting down. I turned around to be facing on my knees and hands and kissing Harry while he was on his back on the floor. Suddenly I looked up and saw Niall walk out in humaltion. Zayn was shaking his head and the rest were clapping a cheering. He pickied at it and said "how do girls do it". We laughed and I added "yeah you can keep those". He barely sat down with a "uh". "Ok I get to do the dares" Niall said with his hand up, "Ok truth or dare Ariana". shit.

"Umm im going to have to with dare" I said.

" Er i dare you to.. to makeout with Liz". I laughed. I crawled over to Liz seductivly . I placed my legs on each side of her  slowly. I wrapped my hand around her neck while she looked at me up and down. I looked back at the boys and said "you ready ". I kissed her long and sexually.We were on the floor and then I took my face off of hers. I screamed "yay hah". I added "Ive been wanting to do that for along time actually". The boys laughed. I crawled back over to Harry when he whispered in my ear "  that was the hottest thing I ever seen". After we dared everyone we decided to take pictures. We all took pictures.  It was now 3 am in the morning  and we decided to go to bed. Harry walked me to me and Liz's room. 

"I had a great time with that girlfriend" he said in a tired deep voice.

" I had a extravegent night with you to mr.boyfriend" as said as i poked his stomach and he cringed. I standed on my tippy toes and kissed him good night. Liz walked in a little later then I expected. "where were you?" I questoned sitting up in the bed taking off my makeup."oh ya know with ...Zayn". "oooooo " I said in an imature voice. I wondered why she was with zayn?

Living in the moment  (harry styles and Ariana grande  hariana  fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now