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I look at you sometimes and wonder, my dear, if I ever loved you in another time.
I wonder what we had done with our perfect life together;
I don't know why or how, but I have such vivid memories of us in the snow:
Your eyes so intensely green they consumed all of your surroundings, your breath swirling out of your mouth and into the world in proof that you existed.
And you lived.
I wonder if maybe you and I had built a snowman,
Or made a snow angel or two.
I wonder if maybe in that world, it all would've ended differently.
I wonder if maybe things would've worked out, there in that day in the snow.
Maybe I'd kiss your cheek and we'd go back inside the home we would've shared together.

Just know,
No matter what happens here,
We made it in a world of ice and crystals.
I promise you we can make it here too.

I love you.
(In snowflakes and red cheeks)

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